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7KLondon Rose, y.o.
Location: United States
Room subject: finger my ass 😉 [1899 tokens remaining]
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London Rose, y.o.
Location: United States
Room subject: finger my ass 😉 [1899 tokens remaining]
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I think you need to trust her OP. But hopefully you'll get to talk to her about it soon to clear things up.
People are downvoting because even with your defense, people see through it.
Don’t lie to yourself. What man says he still loves a woman and treats you like that? Let’s be honest here. He treated you better when you were what? Young. Body pre pregnancy.
Let me guess, when it came to divorce from his first wife it was alllllll her fault…… I think having a good heart to heart with the ex and get her perspective, I think you 2 have a lot in common.
You’re so right. Thank you!
I was suicidal.too pre hrt, it's an unfortunate reality but common for trans people that why they make the process long so there's less of us.
No it wouldnt lol. Have you seen threads the other way around? Its always about how the dude is being lazy, hes being babied, shes not a mother, etc.
Yes OP do this.
Hey just FYI if you’re in the US tell her to look at a debt settlement program. Credit won’t be great for a few years but it can save her a ton of money on the private student loans. There’s a bunch of companies out there like Freedom Financial Network, National Debt Relief, and a few others but make sure to go with a reputable one. I used to work for Freedom actually even went through the program myself before working there and it does work. Won’t be a cheap payment though it would tackle her loans in 4-5 years.
Questions How certain are you that the decision was hers? Do you have and siblings (full, half or step) Is your dad around?
Unfortunately you’ve probably brought this upon yourself.
You can try explaining everything to her, and showing her how you are changing, but I doubt it’s going to work, depending on the answers to the above questions, there is a possibility that you may turn this around in 2 months, but it’s not likely.
So start finding out what you are going to do come June – are there any other family members you haven’t burnt bridges with, or friends you could online with etc.
If when she kicks you out there is a chance of repairing the relationship, and maybe even the possibility of you being able to come to them for support at a later date, then keep trying to be the best person you can. Just because you haven’t managed to repair the relationship in 2 months doesn’t mean you can’t eventually repair it.
If there isn’t any chance, or if the home / relationship becomes toxic through no action of yours (ie the other members making comments about it, giving you a naked time over it, or my favourite your step day being extremely happy over it all), then a few days after you have left contact her and tell her that while you know you were not always a good son, and not the easiest person to live with over the past (insert months/years) her decision and actions since have shown you that she has already cut you from her life, and as such you will be doing the same, though it hurts you to do so.
Then tell her that you will be blocking her as you don’t want any communication from her until you are ready.
Go no contact – block her everywhere.
Trash any mementos of the relationship – throw away any gifts, cutesie pictures, etc.
Then go out and have some fun. Whatever that means to you. A party, see a show, hang out with friends, play a sport, indulge in a hobby, whatever.
A second chance is magnanimous. The risk as you said, is that he may do the same thing. Whatever your decision about continuing with him should be made on the basis of what's best for you. What he wants from you is irrelevant. What he is bringing to the relationship is all that should matter to you. Is it going to be an LDR? LDR's have 2 strikes against success at the beginning. Be happy. That's what matters.