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13 thoughts on “Louis the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. That and two generations having kids very young resulting in the second one having to on-line at home with parents for awhile just to have them ?

  2. It honestly just happened by chance – I’ve had some experience, but I just haven’t gone all the way. But now thinking about it, I do feel like I will become attached to whoever I do have sex with

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  4. Except that the context would be important in determining how he should react now.

    If he's continually been rejecting her then he needs to be an adult and communicate with his wife who feels unwanted and rejected and is probably afraid that their marriage is breaking down.

    If this is a thing she regularly does but their sex life is otherwise healthy, then OP needs to sit her down and explain that her behavior is unacceptable and childish and that it's not okay for her to have a sobbing tantrum every time she doesn't get sex. But only once. If she continues behaving this way, then we will know, without a doubt, that it's intentional manipulation.

    If this is the first time she's acted this way and their sex life is otherwise healthy, then he should give her space and ask her why she reacted so dramatically.

    Because communication is important in a healthy relationship and there's none of that going on.

    And because it's actually hot to tell what the whole situation is when we don't, you know, have the context to go by.

    if the roles were reversed we would be calling him a pig.

    Perhaps you would. Me? No, I'd still be asking the same questions of “how long has this happened” and “it's not fair to call them manipulative when we don't know the context” and telling them to communicate like adults.

  5. She tells me everything, I am her only daughter, her confidant since I was a small child (telling me everything from financial troubles to have issues with my dad/brothers, etc)

    This is actually not her confiding in you, but a form of abuse. I don't know what it's called, but it's most definitely not healtyh for a young child to know of her parents' financial troubles, their marital troubles or her father's premature ejaculation. (Sorry, took examples from what my own mother decided to “confide” in me.)

    Her pride has always been that I have always been very mature for my age, being able to cook, clean, take care of my brother with ASD, being homeschooled, being active in my church, etc.

    She wasn't a proud mother, but a proud abuser. This is most assuredly parentification. Add to that the homeschooling and mandatory church activity and the like – also add that you're the only female and thus probably the only child who got thus parentified – misogyny at its finest, religious pressure on following your father's (and mother's) orders – totally unhealthy.

    I told them we were moving in together in a few months. My dad told me he would prefer if we got married first but that it was ultimately my choice. My mon lost it, storming out of the house and then storming back in to tell me to get out. So I left and have heard nothing for days.

    Now your mother is totally shocked that all her abuse, all her forcing you into the mold, all her making you follow the doctrine backfired – and backfired spectacularly.

    But I cant, who is she going have if Im gone? Her life is so hard with my brother having medical issues and I have always been there to help amongst other things. I’m her support and feel so selfish.

    And this is what allt he abuse results in. You feel like your mother's caretaker, even though the roles should be reversed. You feel like you're responsible for your brother, even though he is none of your problem. YOU are not his parent, even if you have been parentified all your life. You are not supposed to be your mom's whole support, she needs to carry her own weight.

    Be selfish, find out who YOU truly are (apart from the one that makes her mother's life easy), find out what you truly want. And then make sure you get all you want.

  6. And so are you. Now hop on the next comment thread to beat your opinion down someone else’s throat because you think you’re right. Toodaloo bird.

  7. but if we’re dating and already need counseling, that’s a sign for me it’s not going to work in the long run


    Couples counseling is for fixing problems that arise in an already well-established, and at least formerly healthy relationship. Not for trying to kluge one together out of one that hasn’t even passed the most basic hurdles in the dating phase.

  8. Absolutely leave this relationship because he’s going to cheat on you when you get pregnant. There are so many men out there who do not act like this fucking man-baby you’re with. You deserve so much better.

  9. You literally just said the reason? How about apologize for your behavior, and mean it. Has that occurred to you

  10. The moment he saw you push a baby out of your vagina …

    He was not in the delivery room when I gave birth

  11. Where are u getting any of this ? I literally just stated, i was never mad at her- i never resented her for it or anything- she just disappeared, i tried to check up on her plenty. She only ever texted me when she wanted me help her with a game or something similar- and did i mention she disappeared from my life right around the time i was going through a breakup? Thats the only part i would be like “wtf” for. The factor that i ended up with her ex just happened though, the only thing im trying to get in a point is that, i think ending a friendship is a bit much. Different opinions for everyone ig, because ive been on both sides of this type of situation where ive had close friends date my ex’s and i just accepted it-


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