LuluRoss live! webcams for YOU!

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8 thoughts on “LuluRoss live! webcams for YOU!

  1. What? I don’t mind the longevity. I am perfectly fine with the commitment? Him and I ARE happy together ?? What are you talking about.

  2. Tell him exactly how you feel and tell him you'd feel a lot better if he a. Didn't hang out 1 on 1 with someone he was previously involved with. B. Would feel better if he invited you after all if she's such a good friend then its no big deal.

    If he makes all kind of excuses well you always can rethink the relationship.

  3. Let's not forget the people were convinced for having unprotected sex while carrying/spreading HIV/AIDS. It's not ok that he willingly had unprotected sex with you… he does not value you, the fact that you asked should tell him that it matters to you. Love yourself and take care of yourself. There will be other guys out there who will love and respect you and who you'll feel the same about. End it and go live a life with someone who cares enough to keep you safe. Even if you're alone is better than this guy.

  4. OP, ask yourself why you are back to something that happened 3 years ago. If you want to break it off – do it. Three years ago she gave you an explanation. Apparently the guy tried to kiss her/feel her up and she stopped all contact. You should be relieved, thankful, and grateful she dropped the friendship when it wasn’t what she expected or wanted.

    You do realize YOU are sabotaging your relationship. You need to decide whether you want to be with her. If you want to be with her MOVE ON from this fixation.

    Best of luck, OP. I hope you can decide and move forward positively.

    BEST OF IT ALL to your GF who possibly is in a relationship with a suspicious, jealous, and unreasonable individual who refuses to accept and move forward.

    Agape ?

  5. I think your wife has PPD, and she likely needs more support from you.

    Maybe look into hiring someone to come in and clean? Or someone to nanny a couple of days a week to give your wife a break? A one year old is really demanding; your wife’s probably exhausted.

  6. Summary: I did not judge. Other commenters did. I asked questions rather than leap to a decision based on one person’s testimony, and only a few scant facts presented. Those facts frankly should prompt many a follow-up question in non-judgemental people.

    Not you, though. You do you.

  7. You need to have an honest conversation about what you each want. If she wants physical affection and you don't like that then you probably are incompatible.

  8. She’s insecure and if I were you, I wouldn’t be dealing with this shit. According to this logic we pansexual people wouldn’t be allowed to have any friendships. That’s pretty insane. You either decide to trust your partner, or you stop being with them.


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