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3 thoughts on “Luna-Vibes live sex cams for YOU!

  1. My familie is definitely unusual… My immediate familie (father, mother, sibling) all live! very close by to one another… I don't feel like I rely that much on them (other than that I litteraly still live there) My familie is fairly reliant on me though… I take care of my mother's dog and am often the designated doggy/babysit when people go on vacation. Right now it's also extra hands on deck because we are expecting pups… If we do this, a lot of things might have to be readjusted and for some parts that's not possible right now. And just for me, it's definitely scary to move out, but that's not the problem… The problem is that we'd be renovating a house… Potentially living there in the mean time, added to the fact that I wouldn't have my family around me anymore. Renovating a house will naturally come with an insane amount of stress, pair that with 2 people who have never lived on their own before and it just sounds like a recipe for disaster… I get that it's a smart decision on paper…. That's why I've been going along with all this up till now… But everything combined just scares the shit out of me. And for a bit of context, not even 2 months ago I had just told my boyfriend that I was CLOSE to being ready to think about moving in together… And now a loan/buying and renovation stuff gets dropped on there as well.


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