LunnaLy live! sex cams for YOU!

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12 thoughts on “LunnaLy live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. I think you're being a bit paranoid here. There's no reason to believe he would want to catch up on “lost time”. Why would he do that if he has the greatest time with you?

    And plus you are guiding him into this first relationship, trying to make it as healthy as possible. You're amazing you know that?

    You seem to be made for each other , who knows! Just make the best of it!

  2. As the parent of a kid questioning their gender, I take complete offense that your BF would be so callous and cold to you by first not letting you know until it was “time to do the deed,” but also that they still pressured you to have sex after that came out. This person is not mature enough to have a relationship with and is not worth your time. You deserve better. You can’t drop a bomb the size of Hiroshima on someone and not expect some fallout. You need to run. I’m so sorry kiddo.

  3. I have to be honest. You blew it. Hes over it. You cant change his mind after so many negative encounters and reactions from your end. Maybe later youll connect again. But for now i suggest you let him go and take this as a learning opportunity and improve yourself for the future. If you go back now youll most likely repeat your shortcomings. You need to actively work to better yourself and how you respond and communicate. He needs space from you and the issues you two have.

  4. our relationship does have some issues, I'm not denying that. but almost all are because I went through hell as a child. this is the only issue that isn't because of my past.

  5. You have the RIGHT to change your mind! Just because you have consented before doesn't mean it's a permanent green light! You do not owe that man your body to do with as he pleases!

    If he gets mad…. he can get glad when he's ready but it is not your responsibility to just appease him!

    What about your wants and desires? Why do they not matter as much as his??

    You don't deserve this nor should you stand for it! If YOU don't look out for yourself who will? Your husband certainly isn't! Good luck OP you deserve so much better!

  6. Gather the proof. You cannot stay with this man, he hasn’t committed to his religion by cheating anyway so you shouldn’t be expected to stay in a marriage with a husband that 1 cheats on you and 2 disrespects and doesn’t follow the very religion yous abide by.

    Please, please, please get all the proof you can before mentioning divorce or anything about it to your husband because there’s a reason he was Googling what happens in a fault divorce ie when one spouse cheats. He knows he would be FUCKED and that’s the only reason he’s staying with you. Also, I’m no lawyer but is there a time limit on how long after you find evidence of cheating that you can get a at fault divorce? Because I wouldn’t be surprised if he was waiting it out until he thought he had covered his tracks long enough to divorce you and take everything with him.

    Once you get the proof, you need to tell this woman’s husband also because I assure you, they will not hesitate to spin this all on you. Don’t let it be one of those situations where you stay with him and then he royally fucks you, takes everything and the kids AND moves on with his affair partner. That WILL happen unless you make moves NOW. Be calculated, document everything, go through bank statements, get his phone records, EVERYTHING.

    You WILL be okay. Stay strong and know your worth.

  7. She didn’t say I’m Bad for y’all I’m bad for her I was her love that’s what she said but she still wanted to fuck a 35yo behind my back


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