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7 thoughts on “Makbabi online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Next time it will be a murder or murder/suicide. Block all strange numbers and don’t speak to his family/friends or any relatives about getting back together. I don’t know if it was a super serious attempt where he almost died or a ‘cry for help’ where it’s unlikely he’d die but either way I’d put my own safety and mental health first. Go back to school and don’t come home for a break for a while. Good luck

  2. You’re getting pretty off track here. OP already said her husband has said that he is not depressed. Plenty of people just like a free ride without having a legit medical issue.

    Even if he were depressed, the goal of treatment is to get back to a functional life. No reputable Mental Health provider would just sign off on long term unemployment, no household responsibilities, no care plan or long term treatment goals. Obviously, some people have treatment resistant major depression. But her husband says he isn’t depressed, let alone being anywhere near ‘ok, his condition is untreatable, what does a long term disability plan look like.’

  3. Honestly, you don’t even need the text in the post. The title alone is reason enough to end things. If you can’t see a future with someone you should end it and find someone that you can see a future with. 8 years is a long time but it wasn’t a waste of time. You learned and gained life experience.

  4. I’m so sorry you are going through this. For whatever reason we find it nude to part ways with someone who actually probably doesn’t love us the way we want or who is actually capable of a healthy relationship. It’s definitely your forgiving nature that I relate to and which makes this harder to see reality completely even when to everyone else it’s obvious. If you had a daughter how would you advise her in this situation? Try to take your own advice if you can, and take the very best care of your head and your heart so you are in the best shape to connect with whomever the right person is whenever you meet them. Someone will inspire you to be better, not demand it while in public after watching you flounder from the shadows like a creep dressed like the unibomber whike you try to hold back tears. Over nothing no less.

  5. I will probably get downvoted but your mother is not totally incorrect although it is cruel. If you admit you were sexually abused others will look at you in the future looking for signs of impact, even if there were none. They will act differently around you. They will wonder if that abuse has any effect on how you raise your children or if children should be left around you. I know its not fair but if my wife told me a family member abused her it would change my perception of her to be different.

    You should alert people about your uncle but there is a price.

    If you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares into you.


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