MargoEhos on-line sex chats for YOU!

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7 thoughts on “MargoEhos on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Lol. They're doing the Holy Trinity of fucking. Surely, there's something in the bible about that.

  2. You’re mad she was talking to another guy on your first date? If this is a real story & not a troll why would you let something upset you before you became exclusive? I’m sure she didn’t know at that exact moment she would end up dating you.

  3. Tell him you entered into a relationship with him, not him plus.

    You don't want to live! in a share house. Has nothing to do with him being the “bad guy”, but it also may spell the end of the relationship.

    I do not think that your position is unreasonable. He unilaterally made a choice that affects you.

    The fact the barnacle already grown comfortable enough to quit his job is also alarming. He's not just a bad houseguest, he's now a non-paying roommate.

    I've had roommates that have the misconception that the party never stops. And that isn't true. The Party can come to a very sudden stop if you piss off your roommates enough.

    There is no light/friendly/joking solution here. Only a very uncomfortable conversation and some possibly relationship ending consequences.

  4. There are a couple things. One don’t be insecure. Variation is normal. People like all kinds of people and sex. Sometimes it’s a fantasy. We all have them. Second if you don’t want to do that you need to tell him though I’m sure he knows now. Third he wouldn’t have sex with you if that didn’t do it for him. However as relationships go on it’s gospel that you need to keep things spicy and be open for it to be successful. Dirty talk hair pulling spanking are all vanilla. I wonder how deep your bf is and what he watches. This is a deeper talk you need to have with him. What he watches what his intentions were for asking you to watch it what he likes what he wants to try. I dated a girl and we had toys and watched porn the sex was great. But we were open and honest about it all and we were compatible. I’ve also dated girls who didn’t want any of that and it waned away as the things that turned me on were more “hardcore” that just vanilla doggy. Hope this helps. Good luck

  5. I'm glad you didn't lose your stuff or your wyvern, OP. That was incredibly disrespectful and childish of your gf, and I would seriously reconsider being with this person.

    Setting gaming aside for a moment, instead of having a rational conversation with you about what was making her unhappy so you could talk about it and grow together, she chose to physically insert herself into your pastime, and then had the audacity to be annoyed at you for being upset. That is so childish and rude, it's mind-boggling. The fact she made the blanket statement of “I hate men who care about their videogames” is like saying “I hate all women who like to wear nice shoes.” Why hate an entire group of people for what makes them happy? If she felt you were slacking or neglecting her, she would have said that, but instead she's calling you out for what you enjoy, which is messed up for a supportive partner to do.

    Bringing gaming back into it, throw the whole GF out. My husband and I have been married for 5+ years with over 6,000 hours combined in ARK alone, and love playing in lots of other games together. I can't tell you how freeing it is to find someone who shares, or at the very least respects, you and your interests.

    (On a side note, what map were you playing? And where did you end up dropping? I haven't played ARK in over a year, and I'm seriously thinking about jumping back in, hahaha)


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