Mari the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Mari, y.o.

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6 thoughts on “Mari the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I don’t believe that a pet is solely one persons responsibility when you live together (ownership yes can be one person).

    My dog is my dog, I bought him as a pup raised him etc, my husband still has responsibilities to feed/ walk/ play with him when I’m not around or just pre-occupied.

    Your wife took on these responsibilities knowing that you wouldn’t be around to help, yes help when you are there but not your job ultimately.

    I’d have a very hot chat about how she wanted this responsibility and anything that pisses her off about this puppy is ultimately HER fault. This puppy doesn’t know how to act and it is her job to teach it. She needs to learn to be a better master in order for this dog to be a better dog.

    The above paragraph is typed by a person that has developed from a shit puppy master to a good dog master (only person on the street that doesn’t scream at my dog) and he is a pretty damn good boy.

  2. Sounds like maybe he doesn't want to buy a place together in which case you should go out on your own since you're so desperate to own a home. Take the hint and forget buying a place together. Sit down and try to have a talk with him but his lack of action towards your supposed shared goal makes it sound like he is placating you with empty promises and had no intention of actually buying a house with you. So, focus on what you can control and that's your actions. Good luck.


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