Marianablash on-line sex cams for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “Marianablash on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. asked who the mate was and he said “you don't know him, so it doesn't matter.”

    ? ? ?

    Yeah… even if you don't know his friend, this is a rude and dismissive response. Boyfriend sounds like a bit of a dick, and a little sus

  2. My guess is that I was really excited to receive the letter from him and maybe he felt pressured? I don't know if he feels uncomfortable or insecure about it. I just don't know

  3. I mean, I had a step father who did basically this but with divorce instead of death.

    My mother was the fourth in a chain of women who looked very, very similar to each other, were named Kim or some variation like Kimberly (or had that as a middle name that he called them by), same hair cut, etc.

    When he knocked them up, my mother included, the boys were named after him and the girls were named after his mother.

    My younger brother reconnected with him decades later and he's now on wife number nine and if I wasn't paying attention, I could totally mistake her for my mother.

    Some people are just really fucking weird and have really really fucking weird lives.

  4. Talk about what his relationship is like with his family. There might be a lot of stuff you dont know about. It can also explain why hes not prioritizing introducing you.

  5. I did this for years with my ex and it took me years to realize she raped me. I have issues with intimacy to this day because of all of the sex I was coerced into having when I didn’t want it. Get out now.

  6. Hi, I've actually been in this exact situation. I was pregnant, informed my boyfriend, he waited until it was too late for me to get an abortion in my state, then told me he would break up with me and have absolutely nothing to do with the child if I didn't get an abortion. He had his new girlfriend call me shortly after, threatening me that she was going to come beat me up so badly that she'd make sure I lost the baby.

    I blocked him and wanted nothing to do with him after all of that after he said he'd refuse to be in our daughter's life. He had two of his friends monitor my social media to find out when I went in to labor, called all the hospitals near me to figure out which one I was in, and then had his friends taking turns to sit in the waiting room just outside the Labor & Delivery department to ensure I didn't leave without him knowing.

    When we finally had to do child support and custody in front of a judge, I submitted the texts from him, as well as the voice-mail of his girlfriend threatening me. I submitted all of the MySpace messages of him cussing me out and telling me that I was just trying to ruin his life and trap him into marriage. The judge read him the riot act, had him almost in tears, because him and his attorney tried to spin it as if I hid the pregnancy from him and he had no idea.

    She told him she was pregnant. HE assumed she was cheating, and HE assumed that she'd get an abortion. HE knew that there was a possibility that he had a child that he never took responsibility for. That's all on him. He made it perfectly clear that he'd not take any responsibilities for the pregnancy, but you're claiming that she can get in legal trouble for not telling him? SHE DID TELL HIM. His assumptions and avoidance does not place her at any legal risk, and if she still has the messages, they may actually reflect badly on him instead. Judges aren't stupid and tend to not like people who think they can get away with lying to them.

  7. Girl, block him, delete and move on. Ignore him at the wedding. He’s with his ex. You know he’s sleeping with her. It’s a good thing you left him but you’re still acting as if you’re together. Let him go. Move on. Find someone who won’t disrespect your or the relationship

  8. Prove you know nothing about high risk pregnancies, without saying you know nothing about high risk pregnancies? I’d absolutely leave someone who left me to risk literal death in order to have fun with friends. Men.

  9. Fair enough. That's important context you didn't include. It, however, is a problem that you're unsure how she sees them. How did you meet? Have you ever gotten physical? Have you discussed what you're both looking for?

    She might very well be completely wasting your time, but you shouldn't be guessing in these situations. You should know the deal, and it's easy to find out.


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