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8 thoughts on “MayraBlack live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Why do you think the other man is stupid? Most likely he knows full well that this woman is with him for his money. He probably also suspects or knows she's cheating. For whatever reason he's willing to stay in this situation.

  2. Gotta agree with the other comment. Jumping to asking if this is what narcissistic people do, manipate you and get in your head seems random and makes you seem manipulative or narcissistic if anything. It's weird and has almost no context. No, it's pretty impossible to tell if she is based on your post.

    I'm also in Cali. You may not like her voice or tone. However this is hardly a big deal and does seem like youre making a mountain out of a molehill.

    Yea im interested in other comments so we can see what the actual issue is. Right now you just sound weird and again like youre making a big deal out of nothing.

    Ps. It's cold. Why aren't you wearing a sweater?

  3. then just drop all of this. You were digging for something you wanted to hear specifically and then upset he didn't read your mind.

  4. Having a baby is already a greater commitment than marriage. Marriage can be ended up a legal contract, and then you never have to see the other person again. When you have a baby with someone, you will have to deal with that person (especially when the child is young) no matter what unless someone dies. If you're already planning spending your life with her, this seems pretty arbitrary – especially since a lot of the rights associated with marriage can be helpful if things go wrong.

  5. Usually the person issued the no-contact/restraining/protective order does not take it seriously. The person who does the leg work to get one actually has to do a lot. In my state it’s put before a judge, and they are the one who says yes or no.

    This whole situation is insanely messed up. I kinda wonder if OP actually did hurt her. Spitting is horrible, hitting your spouse is equally horrible.

  6. There is a book called “Women who love too much” by Robin Norwood. While the title is a bit jarring, the book itself is well worth a read. I just finished it as I'm a witness in a huge court case involving domestic abuse and coercive control and it was recommended to me. It's helped me to see a lot of how the victim got pulled into the situation and also, just as importantly, how she got OUT and is now prosecuting this horrible man. Just bear in mind this is his fault, not yours however it's no harm to acquire a few skills to help you in the future.

  7. Yeah. I will never understand married couples, especially those who have kids, who keep their finances separated. At that point why even stay married?


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