MeganxCute online sex chats for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “MeganxCute online sex chats for YOU!

  1. My mom was disowned for 4 months for marrying a Jew (she was roman Catholic). Her mom eventually realized that she was the bad guy in the story. Either your parents call their bluff… Or you make a naked but necessary sacrifice for your future happiness.

  2. Hello /u/Marcos9217,

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  3. I had to read this twice because the responses made little sense to me. OP for birthday asked specifically for a BLT sandwich!!!!!! This is a very simple request that does not require much effort. What he got was, to me anyway a have sex with me first then I will make you the sandwich ultimatum. There was no flirting! She could have joined him in the shower that would have been more enticing but her topless demand/requesting sex before complying with his simple wish for a BLT is wrong. Crying/manipulating op is worse like damn all this drama when you could have made him a sandwich or 3 and tried to seduce him after! This is so bad and the response would surely be different if this was my wife asked for a diamond necklace for her bday said I would give it to her after we had sex first! The op would be roasting in hell fire and vitriol!

  4. The father sounds like he was well-intentioned with love for the child, but did not really understand what it takes to raise one. And lots of dual parent families also find that to be true. he is the one for asking for this, so you don’t need to pick up the slack, but please just have compassion on the situation he is in if you truly believe that, he was well intentioned.

  5. who also doesn't want marriage

    No way to know whether or not someone wants marriage (in a general sense) without having the conversation, but OP views this type of conversation as “pressuring him to get married.”

  6. Your kids are 15 and 9, they're at school. I see that you should be able to have your own bank account, be working on your credit and working by now (outside the house). You have to own your own this. You chose to rely on him fully.

    Start small, get yourself a job, hecc, even working retail if need be to start. Open your own bank account too. Then start working on your credit. Stop relying on him so much.

    You can't make him put your name on the deed. I understand that from his perspective, it makes sense to get married first before putting your name on the deed. A lot of people have done it, then again, you guys have been together for such a long time with two kids, one is in teen year…so it's a little odd that he doesn't trust you. At least, does he name you as his life insurance beneficiary if he has one…? Also, is he really going to put your name on the deed to the house thou even if you marry him, or is this another bait and switch?

    If he is that controlling, his next move is to basically insist on you paying 50-50 (although you may not even earn as much as he does, to pay that amount) trying to get you 'stuck' again to the point, you'd quit your job….if that happens, I suggest to save up as much as you can and leave him…

  7. I never thought about the possibility of the 21 year old getting pregnant or the money he may spend after all the years of not contributing financially

  8. He’s controlling. From not wanting other men to see you without him to how you should exercise because he thinks he knows best, it’s toxic. Swimming is a difficult exercise, it’s the best low impact and overall exercise. It seems like he has difficult respecting your wishes and boundaries. Are you ok with that? If so, just keep ignoring him and do what you want for exercise and tolerate his trash talk. You’ll probably never convince him that swimming is a good form of exercise but you should lay down your boundaries and ask him to respect you as his wife. He can have his opinions but he shouldn’t be condescending towards you.

  9. My bf and I haven't gone to bed together as a couple regularily in ages. He stay up and I go to bed when I choose.

  10. Personally it sounds like he doesn't really respect or care about you. Which is a big part of any relationship IMO

  11. You did the right thing.

    I might sound horrible but i do think that if someone has their own issues due to trauma, the onus is on them to do the work to improve their mental health. They are not “owed” a relationship “just because”. They're not owed any crutches to get through life if they do not want to improve or be good partners. And having a kid is no excuse. Everyone needs time to themselves.

    Like someone else said. She is in a trauma response cycle, but it is on her to work on herself to become a good partner.

    She isn't ready to be in any meaningful relationship

  12. Darlin’, this guy is emotionally bankrupt and sexually inept. Oh, I know, he’s “more experienced” but trust me (an experienced woman) all that means is he knows how to do for himself (& only based on what it looks like in porn), not be a good lover. Good lovers care about you, what you need & want, which he is incapable of doing.

    You deserve someone who wants you to be satisfied, secure & feeling beautiful, to share a great sexual experience together. This guy ain’t it.


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