MELISA GIL on-line sex chats for YOU!

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7 thoughts on “MELISA GIL on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I mean, you don't seriously believe that women who don't shave walk around with dried up urine on themselves at all times, do you?

  2. This is the sort of thing I think he will have a very hot time fully working on while you are in a relationship together. If he really thinks that the only way he will ever be able to come is by thinking of his one current kink, that signals emotional immaturity to me. Our sexual identities and desires change over time, or they can, if you have a holistic view of sexuality.

    In other words, he sounds immature and not aware of himself and his effect on others (you) OR he is immature and just doesn’t care. Either way, that’s a HUGE ask from someone you aren’t legally bound to.

    Even if it’s just “taking space” for awhile, it might be good for YOU to get away from his behavior so you can get some perspective and give yourself some love, because you deserve it. You’re not a bad person for deciding for yourself what your boundaries are. You get to decide that. Even if he isn’t immature, if his sexual boundaries and values don’t match yours, that just means you are not best suited for each other.

    Take some time and think about it. I hope you are okay and you have some other people in your life who will help you and put your best interests first.

  3. So many have already said to report this to the authorities, so I hope you have done so. Why you came to Reddit before immediately contacting authorities is beyond irresponsible.

    I have taken screenshots of this post, as well as OP's comment history. I will be filing a report with the FBI and providing the screenshots in the report. They take this very seriously, and the FBI could also determine that OP is complicit for having knowledge and not reporting.

  4. She sounds like she also doesn't know what she wants. She also sounds very toxic. Stop talking to her and move on.


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