Miile-torres online webcams for YOU!

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65 thoughts on “Miile-torres online webcams for YOU!

  1. Is that what he said? “Emasculated”? It's not a dick size thing, is it?

    I imagine he is a little insecure, which is understandable.

    Maybe consider the way you word things when you reassure him. Instead of “you're all the man I need” try “you're exactly the man I want”. Does he want you to act in bed like you did in the videos? Could you do that for him?

  2. If I were you, I wouldn't have another conversation. Your mother made her point very clear. She is unwilling to change her mind and will do anything to make it seem like everything is your fault and that you are the only problem in this scenario.

    And she'll never change because the only way she could change is to take ownership of her actions and it's so much easier for her to just blame you. So that's what she does.

    You need to get out and cut her out of your life. I know that it's not easy. I had to do it myself, though not for the same reasons you do. You need some time for yourself to deal with everything that you have gone through in a therapy environment. Honestly, if you're tired of the same thing happening over and over again then you shouldn't have any contact with her because there is little chance that she would ever stop.

    You need to take care of yourself first, even if it means that you won't take care of her.

  3. Your dad sounds like a baby because how do we go from “2016 had good music” to “everyone should be sad cause a cop was killed” ugh.

    Your bf made a reasonable argument that a lot of minorities make when talking about policing. Too bad your dad can’t see to understand that. Which is part of the reason why people get frustrated

  4. Depends on what needs to “grow”.

    If surviving trauma and processing it and healing- I tend to say no. I think this is an exercise that is best done in isolation rather than with the distraction of a relationship, pressure to “heal” faster, and dependence on the partner.

  5. Well, we were supposed to meet at 10am, but I had to get gas as I was already running low. And I told him this. It was already past 10:30 by the time I got to the City. Yes, it's terrible time management on my part, I admit that. It was my fault and I take full responsibility for it. The traffic was worse than I expected, but I'm not used to driving there that early. I texted him multiple times that I was running late.

    I see your point of view though. I don't like making anyone feel like I'm wasting their time, but I was already in the City when he told me he was leaving.

  6. Yes. There are other exhausted mother out there who have less energy and drive for sex on a regular basis. But I for one, have a husband who understands that. He also understands that if he really wants sex, he is more likely to get it if he helps more than usual with chores, especially dinner/dishes/kids bedtime stuff.

    Your husband sounds like a jerk. And is trying to blame it all on you. It’s sounds like you’re looking after a whole other grown child.

  7. I think he needs to understand that “platonic” isn't some sort of pass to do anything – it seems to me about that meme about two guys saying “no homo” before they suck each others dicks or whatever

  8. Youir boyfriend is an asshole and he can't force you to watch anything. If you're uncomfortable with how he's treating you, you can break up.


    i cant watch a sex scene or a slight more sexual moment on tv or anywhere else without getting extremly triggered

    I'm surprised this is being glossed over by other responses. So any sex scene, even consensual, is triggering?

  9. I do anticipate the landlord stepping in to remove the cat l. I promised I'd keep her updated on how tonight's talk goes

  10. Don't tell him. If you are sure you want to terminate (which is 100% your choice) he can't change it, and shouldn't

  11. Have you reached out to Gabbie to ask her directly if something happened between her and your wife? There’s two sides to every story and I’d be interested to know her side too if I were you.

  12. I’m confused how you would not know he’d swapped them – folic acid tablets are the size of horse tranquillisers. Also why do you need to put them in pill box? Contraception has the days of the week (or numbers) on the foil part. I’m not convinced this post is real – if it is leave him

  13. My dad is good at chess and taught all the grand kids how to play. What he used to do is allow the kid to turn the board whenever they wanted to , this way it was more competitive for him to try and come back and fun for them because they knew they could turn the board and essentially get a win if they needed it. As they got older they would never turn the board out of pride but when young they did a lot.

    The grandkids love chess and play each other regularly through an app since they live! in separate states now.

  14. I’m sorry this happened to you and now you probably feel more alone than you have in years.

    You deserve better than your gf. Please leave her and find someone willing to Love all of you

  15. I wouldn’t say I got shitfaced. And despite my behavior, I got good feedback from his friends about the party. Everybody got really inebriated and had a good time from what I understand. (But the could’ve just said that to be nice) I really appreciate your point about how I myself wasn’t the partner who knew what was appropriate for the time in setting. Thank you for the advice!

  16. Do you know any younger children under 5? If you drink their urine (doesn’t matter the relation, only the age) it might give you some courage to have the conversation. Good luck.

  17. See if she will leave now. Since she is moving back with the parents, it shouldn't matter to her when it is.

  18. Why don’t you support her in getting a job at a day care facility? You say ‘May’ not allowed her to watch her kid and others, why don’t you find out for sure? How do you know that she won’t like watching your kid and other kids? She thinks she would. My friend’s partner worked at a daycare and looked after her son so I see no reason why you couldn’t find somewhere that would do the same.

    The answer is right in front of you.

  19. This makes me feel sick. Poor dog doesn’t deserve this life of torture. No way should he go with you. Give him to anyone else. Anyone at all.

  20. Would you rather go low contact with your father or potentially lose your wife? because I think that is where you are at.

  21. First of all I just wanted to say that it’s not (or at least shouldn’t) be mandatory for the man to be the one proposing and also that being married is not a precondition to having kids. Could it be that he’s not into marriage per se but would be ok with having kids with you?

    That said, age wise you’re both quite young. I was looking at some data. In the EU the average age of a mother when she has her first child is around 30, in the US it’s 27ish, while for fathers it’s usually a couple of years more.

    It may just be that he’s not yet in a phase where he thinks he could support a child. Are you ok economically speaking? Can you afford to live on a single income for a while or to pay baby sitters without lowering your overall quality of life?

    Then of course, if he’s not thinking about these things but truly just lives in the moment without any plan for the future, you should probably just go your own way to find your own happiness

  22. Sorry for your loss, I love my mom too. Can’t imagine she not being there in my life. She sometimes becomes a little difficult to handle but she also tries her best to adjust the correct the course of her actions.

  23. No. You don't talk to them and you don't forgive them. You bullshit whatever you have to bullshit to survive, but that's all it is. Can't you make a police report? Move in with another family member? Reach out to DV support systems and plan your exit? This is not normal or forgivable and not your fault. This is all on them and you don't own any of it.

  24. okay finally someone gives me the go ahead to slander this man. BRO how tf is this dude like “welp, theres nothing I can do” LIKE??? WHAT?? This man is a grown ass toddler

  25. Give me the downvotes but I don't see anything that you did wrong per se. I would be annoyed too by her behavior. Wait if she comes back or be single. Or talk to her if you really want to stay in the relationship.

  26. Yea, it really sounds like he's going to buy her a house. I get having to buy out a dependant partner during a divorce (I've done it) but that needs to be done well before mixing financially with a new person.

  27. Request that the video gets taken down. Nobody has a right to post a video of you without your consent.

    And what an awful family all around. You sister plays a prank and her cousin use this in a shitty edited version for internet fame. I would think really nude if i want them near my child so soon.

  28. Eventually I will but she’s too codependent I worry she would do something bad if I left. If I can fix this it will help get closer to that

  29. Clearly the MIL has severe trauma and he is the unfortunate collateral damage as a result of it. Often we are forced to reflect how for everything we have as societies people with such transparent problems can be left to have them ruin their lives and severely impact those of the people around them.

    The worry is that on some level he is doing this for her benefit. Maybe he hopes it will help 'fix' her. Maybe it is currying favour. Maybe it's just been such a prevalent part of his life that the symbolism of it really is that profound, or perhaps it is the trauma in him screaming out without him realising.

    But my god, if it goes ahead there really is no outcome I can see being positive. She becomes obsessed with the kid and tries to make her the replacement and you go insane dealing with that, she resents the kid or feels like you are mocking her, she becomes even more fixated on her trauma and your kid has that downloaded onto her, etc.

    Like just don't. She already shouldn't be part of your lives by the sounds of it, don't give her such an obvious trigger to deal with especially as the outcome will be chaotic at best.

  30. Info: you said that gender equity is a big part of your work. How would HR or your higher ups react to the accusation that he's at the beginning stages of creating a hostile environment based on his treatment of female colleagues? Would it raise a giant ruckus or would they earnestly try to address it quietly but effectively? Also, is this dude still on probation?

  31. This is your ticket to free yourself from a terrible situation. It may be best for her to explore on her own and for you to grow on your own as well.

  32. Unless she is willing to do some couple therapy, this is it. No sex life, no communication, no couple activities, no fun, no happyness.

    at 25 and 24 this is not how a relationship should be…

  33. she does have some deep resenting feelings towards white people. alot of asians do so its not isolated to your gf. i'm a pakistani brit myself – some of the attitudes of asians towards white people alot of you would find shocking. they see it as justified as for years they've had to suffer racism from white people. it doesnt make it right but thats the mentality.

    i do think this will rear its head again and again. if you can put up with that and brush it off as a joke then fine. though that terrorist comment will be a thorn in her side. i can guarantee you that much

  34. A girl that you're in a reletionship that you bring to specifically meet the family?

    No, we don't just bring any girl home in that context. We bring one that we're introducing into the family.

  35. Death and feelings just make him uncomfortable and he supports me emotionally quite a bit really, it’s not harming anyone so I’ve never seen an issue with it, he deals with feelings by just sleeping in my lap or cuddling me really tight

  36. Perhaps she is reserved and not comfortable with physical contact simply because shes not used to it and doesnt know what to do. And thats where you lead her into that safe space and her confidence will build. I think the way you planned was nice, id say its better to do it in a public space compared to being alone and you do it because the isolation from other people may make it feel too intense or intimate and it may make her panic more. Being in public having a fun day out is a nice way to do it

  37. If it's not this, then he's just using one that's too small. Ingot a multupack and for some reason the fuxking yellow ones are t9o small to get on. It happens. Just tell him that he has a magnum dong and need monster condoms for it

  38. No, you wouldn’t be a jerk. If no sexual interaction is a deal breaker for you then that’s a valid reason.

  39. He sounds disgustingly condescending.

    I dated quite a few condescending men before and I didn't fully realize it until I was with my husband and he actually listened to what I had to say and took my thoughts and ideas seriously. After being treated with respect it opened my eyes to how disrespected I was in the past and made me feel so icky.

    It makes me want to go back with the knowledge I have now and tell all my exes off! I can't do that but you have the opportunity right now to respect yourself and leave this guy, please do it!

  40. Well, it is a stretch, but if she knew he liked staying up late, gaming, eating pizza in bed, whatever, on his nights alone, it could be:

    “I was going to come all the way home, but then felt bad that I might be ruining your solo guy night, so I just decided to stop before I got home and stay in a hotel and come back in the morning.”

    So that's not a lie really, IF it was true. Just that she changed her plans last minute and didn't update him due to the late hour.

  41. I think too many of you have trauma from past alcoholism and alcoholics in your life. It is not that big of deal to have a glass of wine in the morning. And your last paragraph made me laugh and roll my eyes. You stated you had an issue, he then said he would no longer do it if it bothered you. Now you’re questioning his independence and decision making. You can’t have it both ways. He hasn’t acted inappropriately at all. You two are just not compatible.

  42. Oh my goodness… hearing my mom say any of those words would've scarred me for life! ???? But, she's right.

    TBH, when OP said her bf would go into the bathroom to put the condom on I was a little puzzled. For me putting the condom on the man (or watching him put it on) was always part of foreplay. We do things, we get heated, time to get down to the get-down and the condom comes out… then either I put it on him or I watch and it's always fills me with anticipation.

    To just stop things to go to the bathroom to put on a condom? Feels like breaking up the momentum for me. And if h's doing what we're pretty sure he's doing, he's probably in there 5+ minutes while she's drying up and thinking what's on TV.

    It worked tho, I always carried my own condoms, & insisted on putting them on the dudes I had sex with.

    Same. I carry condoms so “I don't have any” is never an excuse.

  43. She “fell out of touch” with her twin sister that she presumably lived with until at least very recently?

  44. I know you don't want us to talk about the age gap but all your problems stem from her acting like a 24 year old. Don't want your partner to act 24 then date someone in your age bracket.

  45. Poly means multiple, so, yes, swinging falls under that particular umbrella. Having sex with other couples doesn't mean you're in a committed relationship necessarily, but it is still poly.

  46. I will be honest. My first thought just reading the statement I was thinking she was asking if you wanted seconds.

    How did she say this?

  47. Why are you worried about finding someone attractive. You have so many other issues to pull through. You have plenty of time to find someone to sleep with when your not being screwed over by ur ex

  48. Based on the post you said, “she had fantasies of cheating on me with him but never actually considered it”.

    I'm pretty sure that this guy will come in contact again, when it happens are you sure she won't let it happen this time (if not done already)?

    There's nothing wrong with having fantasies every now and then but it should not be with someone from your past.

    Basically, your entire relationship she's fantasizing about someone else.

    I would suggest cutting it now and move on. At least you can start again now.


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