Miirandacox online sex chats for YOU!

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9 thoughts on “Miirandacox online sex chats for YOU!

  1. A lot of y’all sound corny asf it’s nuffun at all wrong with wantin to help your partner Thru a difficult time in their life and it’s normal for people to push people they love away when going thru nude times I say his doing a good job as a boyfriend sticking by your side Thru the time it’s not him among u feel any sadness it’s what your going Thru reach out for help and learn to accept the help he is trying to give you !!!!

  2. I really think that someone on their 80’s that is on a nursing home being bathed by others doesn’t give a fuck about a tattoo they made 60 yrs ago.

  3. Well do you personally know these people? Do you consistently have these feelings for a considerable amount of time or are they just fleeting thoughts? Have you ever slightly acted on it?

  4. Man these men are weak, they literally could never be with a “witch” lol. It’s not weird. It’s weird he’s so scared of stuff he doesn’t understand. Huge red flag, anyway. Good riddance. People want everyone to fit this “normal” box that the immediate moment they notice anything different, they freak out.

  5. My vote is no. It's not your place. It will do him no good. Any half decent therapist will recognize BPD – that's if he even chooses to seek help. He likely lacks the insight needed to seek help for a personality disorder. He probably suffers from depression too so if getting help for that opens the door, you may well have done him a favor. If he happens to ask you your opinion about what mental problem he has then by all means tell him your opinion. Not your business otherwise.

  6. I am not sure I would classify Sami as poly, though? I think of poly as having a primary partner, one or more secondary partners, and having ongoing romantic/intimate relationships with all of them. In this case, though, the romantic/intimate relationship between Sami and Tom is over and she has just agreed not to divorce him quite yet out of kindness (even though he doesn't really deserve that kindness in my view) so that he will continue to have financial support and healthcare while he finishes his recovery from the accident. So it's more like Tom has told Sami it's fine for her to seek other companionship while they are waiting out the period until they can actually divorce.

    Sami doesn't have any interest in having the multiple partners that would make up a true poly lifestyle.

  7. She has a drinking problem, and I don't mean like an alcoholic. It's not that she can't stop drinking, it's that she becomes someone else when she drinks too much.

    So she's an alcoholic? Whether she's a binge drinker or daily, she's an abuser. Since she refuses to stop, she's an alcoholic.

    When we go out together, I'm secretly hoping to myself that I won't need to plead with her to come home with me

    Oh, FFS.

    At this point, I have zero pity for you. You are an abetter. That you haven't left her already or established a boundary for her to get help is all on you, bro. Instead, she's shown that she's gonna do whatever. That you sit there and accept it, meekly hoping that “this night will be OK” is all on you.

    This has nothing to do with the specific incident, which as you mention is still speculative. It's the drinking that's the problem.

    She says she will be getting therapy and is considering cutting alcohol from her life entirely.

    “Considering”. Ha! That's a good one. Welcome to Addict-101.

    Leave and don't speak with her until she completes a program and puts several months of demonstrable sobriety behind her. Like I said, at this point, this is on you. You're hurting yourself watching her slowly self-delete.

  8. Good luck Greg. Talk to her. Honestly and without accusation. In our 24 years married and 28 years together almost every problem we’ve ever had boiled down to one or both of us not communicating effectively. We committed to putting each other first, before all others, in 1999 and it works!


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