MillerMolly on-line webcams for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “MillerMolly on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Weird flex is how you came to that conclusion, but do you. I'm just enjoying the luxury of having a trusting relationship without all this BS. When I earlier asked my gf again if she really was ever bothered by me sharing a tent and a mattress with my best friend the only thing she said was “I just felt bad that either of you had to sleep on an air mattress.” So hey, if you want to continue to make your SO and yourself miserable, go on. Just again: If someone wants to cheat they will. If they won't, they won't. No matter WHERE they are. So either you don't trust your partner and they cannot be alone AT ALL (just break up then) or you trust them no matter where they are. This whole “I trust them until they get tempted by a naked person in a hotel room” is so ridiculous. That is not trust.

  2. This is really helpful, thank you. That's exactly what it was about. You bring up an interesting point that maybe this is something I “taught” her to expect. It's something I'll do some mulling over, thanks for bringing it up.

    About our income, she actually makes more money than I do. Not by much, but she does make more and also has less monthly expenses than I do. I guess this might play a role into the whole paying for Subway issue, but I think the big part of it was the feeling of “having my back for having yours” kind of thing, IDK if that makes sense.

    Anyway, I posted a follow up comment here and will be exiting this Throwaway account because I think the issue has been largely resolved. Thanks again for your advice and I'll def keep it in mind for the future. TY and take care! 🙂


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