MissNiley live webcams for YOU!

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hey guys @flash tits 222 tokens @pvt is open @love for me 111 tokens

7 thoughts on “MissNiley live webcams for YOU!

  1. After my ex left me and married another man I realize that our relationship was a toxic one. That was the third man she cheated on me with and of course I would get upset and yell. After an intense amount of therapy without her, just therapy by myself I have realized the wrong way that I would get into arguments with my ex. If you listen to the way you argue, how most people argue, you always lead in with you, you, you, you. Example, you didn't pay the bill, you didn't do stuff right, you made me mad. Instead of using the word you, in an argument, which is viewed as an attack. Calmly if he will, calmly talk to him and have him use, I feel. Use sentences like, I feel you aren't listening to me. I feel scared when you yell at me. I feel I let you down by not paying the electric bill. You take the attack away from the argument. It can only work if you both use this method. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope that if he is not cheating, that you guys can get back to a meaningful relationship. If not, I'm sorry that it's dissolved. Good luck.

  2. That is personally up to you. It's definitely something your partner is interested in so you need to ask yourself if you're ok with your partner having those interest. Be honest with yourself and if that answer is not a nude yes then I would go separate ways.

    It's ok to not be comfortable with it. Some people are fine with it and may give you a different answer. But this isn't about what other people would do as everyone is different, you need to make this decision based solely on what you feel.

    She may not even really be into but just likes the fantasy of it. I've known plenty of people who have “tried” a threesome for example and both parties hated it and soured the relationship. It's a slippery slope that needs to have serious thought put into it on both parties

  3. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I've been dating my boyfriend for the past 2 years and have fallen in love with him. Though he was a little awkward initially, we've grown comfortable around each other and have talked about marriage. I wanted to share issues I've struggled with in the past (bulimia and other eating disorders) to grow closer and invited him to do so as well. Now I knew he had a crush on me before he knew me, but what he told me really shocked me.

    My boyfriend said that he had been following me on Instagram for several years prior to knowing me and had used that information to meet me “serendipitously”, as well as manipulating his interests to have more in common with me. I began feeling quite uncomfortable by this revelation and didn't know how to respond. He also said that he had followed me before I met him and had strong urges to sexually assault me, but lacked the opportunity. After he learned that I carried pepper spray through a mutual friend, he clains he stopped acting on these impulses/plans. I don't know if he had more to share, but after I learned of this, I was devastated.

    I left his apartment weeping and feeling like I should break things off with him. Yet, he was nothing like this in our relationship, so I don't know what I should do. I went home and haven't responded to his texts or calls since I'm still in a daze. He says that I'm being unfair and that the past is the past and that he's accepted me for my shortcomings. I need advice. I've invested so much energy these last couple years and let go of a lot of close friends in exchange for the time spent with him. I would have never dated him knowing this initially, but I don't know how I can be with someone who had such disturbing thoughts towards me in the past. I feel psychologically manipulated and used.

    TLDR: Partner of 2+ years stalked me live! and had considered raping me.

  4. Idk what advice you're wanting. But playing online games til 1am every night probably doesn't help. Maybe give it a rest and go to bed at a normal time with your wife might help.

  5. Porn is gross to some. For others it’s not. I try not to judge. I’m here to say, if my dad let me use his laptop, I’m damn sure not gonna look at his browser history. That’s more therapy than I think I could handle.


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