MistySpice online sex cams for YOU!

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7 thoughts on “MistySpice online sex cams for YOU!

  1. u/Altruistic_Pepper_96, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  2. The same thing happened to me too, this so called 'friend' could not get enough of my boyfriend, she came over every single day with full makeup on. He could not stand her and went to the bedroom every single time she came over and asked me how I can have friends like her?

    She did all she could to get his attention. He did all he could to deny her any attention. She was evil and manipulative, told me how much in love I am, but was not so sure about how much in love he was with me.

    Your boyfriend did the right thing, he looked away and refused to play her 'game'. You are lucky to have him xxx

  3. By the way, based on your post history, it looks like you have a 3 year age gap with your SO. So why you judging me for it? ?

  4. I also feel this is the best route, particularly if there is provable infidelity and you are in an “fault” state. You may spend some cash on a PI and get nothing in return, or you may spend cash and end up with a mountain of evidence. If you find evidence and don’t wish to reconcile, I’d say nothing and lawyer up. (Hashtag not legal advice.) IMHO, It’s better to serve the wayward spouse with divorce papers before he has a chance to back pedal and destroy evidence, and having representation may help prevent them from getting nasty and spiteful if they know they’ll have to be on their “best behavior” before a judge/mediator/arbitrator.

    Also, look up hysterical bonding (could cloud a possible divorce or be seen as forgiveness) and have an “escape plan” of where to stay, extra clothes, and cash, at the ready in case SHTF.

    Good luck!

  5. Not so awesome area is totally different from a gang infested neighborhood! Getting shot for stepping on someone shies was normal behavior for me, drive nu shootings every weekend was normal behavior, seeing a crackhead sucking dick for crack while going to the park was normal, and guess what.. people getting killed for disrespecting someone or not knowing when to shut up was also normal behavior for me. What you may consider not normal behavior when it comes to violence could be just another tuesday for someone else


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