Miya-Oni live webcams for YOU!

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12 thoughts on “Miya-Oni live webcams for YOU!

  1. In your defense, by the time I saw this, I think the thread went completely off the rails and no one understood what you were saying.

    In saying that, I’m absolutely not shaming OP. But OP is the one who specifically said that they have small boobs and wouldn’t be opposed to surgery. Then when OP’s boyfriend essentially agreed, OP decided their boyfriend was a piece of shit, as if he brought the topic up unsolicited.

    I was quite clear that his response was unacceptable. But that’s based on the comparison to his ex. So relax with this “shaming” nonsense.

  2. She cheated, he told you bc he was finally able to. My guess is it’s been weighing on him and his gf was telling him to mind his own, now that they weren’t together he had every right to tell you

  3. You have two tings to discuss: him not reciprocating and being unskilled in bed (and hopefully not lazy).

    hey, can we sit down and talk? I love you a lot so that’s why I wanted to talk to you about some things. I don’t know if you noticed, but after you get off, my needs are completely forgotten. I don’t think you’re doing this intentionally, I’d just like to be apart of the experience when we have sex (OP, this is a given). Do you think we can talk about what I like? I would love to show you what I like. I want to explore with you.

    For his lack of “game”, that’s going to be a process to point out what you like.

  4. Honestly this is not about whether you should forgive him or not. It’s about whether or not you wanna be in a relationship you don’t feel loved, admired, desired, respected. Your husband is not loyal to you. Whatever he feels, it should be addressed with you in a safe space, not like this.

    It really bothers me that he’s making such a huge deal about your weight gain. People change throughout their lives. Sometimes they gain weight, sometimes they lose hair, sometimes they suffer an accident and get a huge scar, or can’t walk anymore. How would he react to that? He seems very immature for his age.

  5. Exactly this. Your children will have a parent who says racist things and they will grow up hating themselves. My high school best friend is biracial but raised by her white mother. She was never good enough as her purely Caucasian children. She still tries so naked to please her mother but it's never enough.

    Don't do it. If not for potential yourself then any potential future children. But you do not deserve to be treated that way either.

  6. Move on. An ex did this to me and held me hostage for a year. You can’t let him do that to you. It’ll never work. Move on.

  7. Nope still his problem for being insecure and controlling. She can wear what she wants and feels comfortable in.

  8. You sound a little incompatible. It also sounds like your love language is receiving gifts and that’s not his love language, which is fine, but he should definitely at least put in some effort there. And maybe you need to accept that he views money differently and the gifting might not be as often as you want. Meet in a happy middle maybe? If you decide this relationship is not for you that’s fine as well, don’t be scared to know when something has reached it’s end.

    As far as the living situation definitely don’t move in with him unless you guys can talk some more things out unless you want to end up being his house keeper.

  9. If the other partners are male, you could probably sue for gender discrimination. You were the only woman left out of the buying out decision at the managerial level.

  10. “Great. When you return, I'd like us to create a roommate contract so that we can both be happy moving forward while living together in the apartment.”

    This way, your flow doesn't get automatic override and her way of living doesn't get automatic override. You will have to compromise, but you will be able to lay some reasonable boundaries down.

    For example:

    You don't play music on a speaker in shared spaces. You will have to decide if the bathroom is a shared space.

    She doesn't touch or move your private property (this is unacceptable, btw, and I would have laid down some rules about this far earlier than now).

    If she's unable to compromise, you suck it up and move out when the lease is up.


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