Mollybonay online webcams for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “Mollybonay online webcams for YOU!

  1. Thank you. I think it's nice to hear that someone else agrees and doesn't just think I'm overreacting. I'll definitely take some time to think about exactly where the line is with. He always says it's “not his job to help with my insecurities” and it leaves me feeling so helpless when I try talking to him.

  2. Damn like it has been addressed but my thoughts wouldn't be why is that guy clowning his own sis your future wife so easily. This is her her family her problem

  3. There are so many stories out there about opening up a relationship ruining that established relationship. We don’t see as many stories about it ruining the friendship with the third party, but I’m sure they’re there. You don’t want to ruin this friendship either, so be respectful of both your long term partner and your new one.

    FWIW I’ve only ever been monogamous. I suspect I’d be cool with polyamory / ethical non-monogamy and wouldn’t be jealous, but I don’t feel that I require it, polyamory seems like too much scheduling work for me (lol!), and my partner is definitely not polyamorous, so I’m cool with monogamy. So I don’t have personal experience with this situation, just with other close friendships.

  4. Maybe it is strong, but I’ve both been in this position and have had plenty of friends in this position. Whatever is going on with him, it’s beyond shady and not something you should be inviting into your life. You stand to lose absolutely nothin by completely cutting him out of your life. I hope you’re able to do it. If I come across as super critical, I apologize. I just have seen this okay out many many times before and it always ends poorly. The biggest mistake everyone makes is not cutting out the cancer before it metastasizes. If he is with someone else, you have no idea what their mental state is or how you could be putting yourself at risk. Hopefully that would never ever be the case.

  5. Stop inviting them to 'celebrations' together. Neither set of parents gets an invite to birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, etc.

    You can still get together with one set or the other for non-holiday meetups (at your home, their home, a restaurant), but if they can't 'play nice' together, then they get separate invitations and miss out on all the celebrations. Tough shit!

  6. This is clear cut. He's using psychology as a way for controlling you. He's not really a BF but someone interested in handling you. It actually sounds disturbing.

    Nothing he is doing is healthy. Time to plan your exit, find a place and leave. He's isolating you deliberately. Go find new friends when you leave. Probably at Uni. Go visit your family for support and get therapy from a therapist. You need to get away from him.

    He won't like it. He has anger problems. Expect him to take it loud and poorly. So have your exit planned first and do it. Try to see if anyone not connected to him can help you move.


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