My (24M) girlfriend (27F) doesn’t think I make enough money

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I'm 24 years old, and I currently earn a salary of 130K. My girlfriend of nearly 3 years often compares me to her friends, coworkers, my friends, anyone who she knows earns more money than I do. She constantly tells me she thinks I'm underpaid, she's extremely driven by money whereas I am not. She's 27, most of her friends are a year or 2 older than her, those friends have partners who are older than even they are, and so a few of them make a decent amount more than I do, and I'm reminded of this every so often and I'm so tired of it. For comparison my girlfriend just got a raise and is making around 115K now. Also for more info I was making 70K when we started dating, so have gotten 60K extra over 3 years, but it's still not enough.

I'm not bragging here, but I flatout know that I'm on good money for someone my age, but it hasn't ever been about money to me. As a teenager I was very depressed and insecure and when I finished high school I vowed to turn my life around and make happiness my number one priority, and that's what I did and that's how it's remained. The problem is that happiness isn't her top priority, it's money, she just wants to be rich and personally I don't care enough about that to sacrifice my happiness.

Her boss is about 15 years older than her, makes about 400K and flys business class everywhere, and when my girlfriend found out about this she said her number one goal is to fly business class everywhere. Sure business is nice but I'm just so not aligned with what she wants in life and at 3 years into this relationship I don't know what to do about it.

I'd say about 75% of the time together we're happy, usually when we're not talking about things related to money. She's constantly pressuring me to leave my job while I love my current job and have continuously gotten new opportunities internally and really don't want to leave. She makes me feel inadequate when I know that I'm doing really well for my age, and it sucks. As a person who wants to prioritise my happiness, my current job and pay should be a reason for me to be happy, and it usually is until she makes me feel unhappy about it.

I guess I'm struggling to work out what to do. I feel like I can't take this for much longer but honestly I'm afraid of breaking up. How should I handle a situation where my partner values money more than I do to the point that it makes me so unhappy, but I'm happy with many other aspects of our relationship?

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