My (25f) boyfriend (25m) is going to a ‘diaper party’ where there is going to be a stripper and body shots

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I’ve only ever known diaper parties to be an event where the guys get together and have some drinks to celebrate a baby being born. My boyfriend’s friends have ordered a stripper to come to their house for their friend who just had a baby with his wife. The stripper is also apparently going to be doing body shots. Maybe I’m just overthinking but is this not incredibly disrespectful to his wife? I would be absolutely floored if im at home taking care of a newborn with my post partum body and my husband is out doing body shots off a stripper at his buddy’s house. I told my boyfriend my feelings around it, mainly that I feel it’s very disrespectful to women, especially his wife. To me, it seems really immature. My boyfriend has made it clear to me that regardless of my feelings towards this, he will be partaking in the activities because he wants to be with his friends. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do? I feel very strongly about this and don’t think it’s something I can just “get over.”

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