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27 thoughts on “MY NAME LESLEY, ♥ the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Right. Stop. Your husband is not a 'good man'. He is a bully who has you scared, crying and enduring shit you shouldn't have to.

    Decent men do not make you afraid, nor do they exclude you from normal day to day activities like cooking you a meal when he's already cooking for himself and the children. Ever.

    Ask yourself what you would tell your children if they had a partner they had to beg for money and who they felt afraid of? Is this a situation you would be happy for them to be in?

    If no, ask yourself why you accept this for you. You matter too.

    He needs therapy to learn how to communicate. Eye-rolling, blame and general neglect of the marriage are NOT healthy ways to communicate.

    If he won't go to individual therapy, push for marriage counselling. If he won't go for that, you may need to come to the conclusion that your well-being, and marriage, aren't a priority for him and plan accordingly.

    And FYI this isn't 'just' emotional abuse. It's also financial. He has made it so you don't have a route to get money together to leave. Get your wages sent to your OWN bank account and send him ONLY what he needs for bills. He can sing for the rest if he's so controlling about money.

  2. You may want to be willing to give it try (finding another partner), preferably one bringing something to the relationship besides bad feelings.

  3. Yea but the girl and the girls bf? Idk just seems odd. But so is cheating In general. Hope OP does an update

  4. There are countless stories of people who convert to a religion after marriage. Usually they are jewish. However they choose to do it. If you do not choose to do it and marry her let her go. She has been clear with boundaries.

  5. I disagree that condoms with spermicide are more effective than without spermicide. That’s old information. But other than that, I agree. Condoms plus diaphragm are perfect.

  6. It's a little rude to laugh at something awkward that other people do. It points it out and could make them even more uncomfortable.

  7. I don’t feel like this is a vailed threat.

    You’re obviously dating someone else (or she at least thinks you are) . Your ex is clearly having a rough pregnancy and doesn’t want to have to worry about ironing out getting back together for a few weeks. She isn’t trying to tell you what to do with your life but she has every right to say this other woman isn’t going to be around her baby.

    What is it you want? Honestly.

    If you want your pregnant ex then stop dating and being in contact with other women. It’s simple. Show her you can be there for her as a friend and a co parent then if there are mutual feelings between you hopefully a relationship will start back up.

    If you’re sure this is your baby you need to concentrate on preparing to be a father and supporting the woman carrying your child.

  8. Hello /u/Painter3100,

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  9. It's not overthinking. Rule of thumb, if you haven't met anyone in your SO's life in four months- like not even been allowed to see their social media, which is what she's withholding the last name for- then you're not their boyfriend. They may just be using you, they may be married, they may just not be serious about you and don't want you to find them when they ditch you. But there's no reason someone who actually saw this as a real relationship would do this that isn't a scummy, dishonest reason.

  10. So you would be fine if your wife accused you of infidelity for no reason at all?

    I’ve had two children and it wouldn’t even cross my husband’s mind to ask for a DNA test of either of them. As it would never cross my mind that he was cheating on me.

  11. You are not irrelevant to the family, but the mom is technically correct. Curiously, do you have plans on marrying the daughter? Or get engaged? She may just be concerned about her daughter getting married.

  12. That's valid. Which is why I asked the question because it's not just a hypothetical. Death is a very real thing I have to think about in regards to pregnancy and childbirth so me asking this question is more than just “a silly hypothetical” it's asking if my life was on the line which way are we going.

    Also just mindsets change later on in life and people decide later if they want kids are not is the same way I have the ability to think about it now. Like I said my mindset is I want to make him happy but I may just prioritize my health later on. And this question is asking about the prioritization of my health or the child's in comparison.

  13. He can absolutely see his friends. That’s not the issue here. That’s why I said request the money in the moment. Or if you’re out somewhere tell the server to separate the checks. Complaining about him hanging out with his friends wasn’t the best approach because that’s not the problem at hand. It seems like you want to be nice about it and you can be but you must be firm in what you’re saying and stick to your guns. Buying furniture? The clerk can split the purchase on two cards.

  14. If I even was just dating a guy who admitted to doing that ON THE JOB, I’d be so disgusted I’d say thanks for the time, this is over. I cannot respect any adult who would jeopardize their career over something so stupid and juvenile. Peace.

  15. He didn't even ask you about the hat? Just went straight to violating your privacy? WOW.

    You should definitely be suspicious of his reaction, because that is extremely out of line (at best) and is never going to improve.

    His paranoia or low self-esteem or whatever he feels like he felt in the moment to justify this disgusting invasion is not your problem, guy needs to be cut loose and maybe go to therapy to work on his issues before he gets into another relationship.

  16. You lost your parents and instead of being supportive and understand, he’s harassing you for “taking away the magic” by being a human being with feelings? He’s trash. Not worth keeping this relationship.

  17. This is not a small sacrifice. Accept that and maybe listen to literally everyone here that you are in the wrong.

  18. While you were sobbing at your father's funeral, during which you were having a serious medical issue, he f*cked another woman. I've seen too many terrible acts of infidelity on these subs, but this is one of the most selfish and cold-hearted acts of betrayal I've read about. This isn't something that you'll ever get over. It's too brutal. Please do not stay with him. I support reconciliation under certain circumstances, this is not one of them. I'm so very sorry about your father OP. Put this garbage human out of your life, and focus on your healing. ?


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