My(F19) boyfriend(M22) is very excited about a party that I am not invited to. Trigger warning!! UPDATE:

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Hey everyone. Thank you all for opening my eyes. I didn’t want to think the worst about my (ex) boyfriend but Y’all were right. After making this post I had a lot to think about and evaluate from the comments I received. Some were harsh to read but I had to. I spent the next few hours crying alone in my apartment. For a very long time I have avoided the idea of snooping through his phone but on Thursday night, I did and found very disturbing things.

I went through his messages and took relevant screenshots of him talking to his “sorority friend” but what I did not expect to find was the things I saw on his discord. That’s why I could not make an update earlier. He mentioned that I am his girlfriend to her and said he would leave me if she was up for it.He sent her flowers every Monday of the week since they started talking. Guess what? He has only bought me flowers twice in about a year.

Since I could not go through everything on his discord at night, I had to login using qr code on my laptop and found out he was messaging young girls, some as young as 13. The next morning I woke up and rushed to my moms house,and turned off my phone.We talked for hours until I felt better and she advised me on what to do. I cannot mention every disgusting thing he has done here but they would send each other pictures back and forth. One of them was so in love with him, she would send him money and random gifts. Whether he reciprocated really doesn’t matter and I don’t care.I wanted to kick him out of my apartment so badly but I thought it would be better for me to pretend everything is fine for one more day so I messaged him and told him I’m at my mom’s till Monday. Let him have fun with the sorority girl because it sure will be his last.

I took video recordings and screenshots of every conversation and reported him to the local police on Friday evening with the attachments and they got back to me on Saturday with a few questions. I told them where he was and I am the sole reason he got arrested in the same designer clothes he had on Friday.

After all this I had started realising how manipulated everything he said to me was. He was my second boyfriend and I overlooked a lot of things because I was ‘in love’. Once there was a girl looking for him outside our apartment and she was at most 16. I knew she was in highschool or had just finished by the conversations she was having on phone but it never hit me that he was grooming her.

I feel so disgusted and I probably need therapy to get through this. I no longer feel sad about him and the sorority girl, she can have him. He was on a college scholarship, I think that’s gone too.

TLDR: He got arrested for engaging with minors.

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