NAHIARAHURTADO live! sex chats for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “NAHIARAHURTADO live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Dude what's up with comment about even if they are men.

    Men's health is a real issue. Do you know how hot it is for men to get a woman on tinder? Our health is just as important as any other sex out there. We are humans too!

    Do not allow people to dictate how you are supposed to act. This is why men commit suicide because they don't reach out for help.

    Please don't ever make a comment like that again. It's not cool to down play our feelings.

  2. It’s concerning that your brain is blocking out entire conversations. I really don’t like that he’s manipulating you into giving an apology or he’ll withdraw affection. Please consider therapy. We all have stuff that needs to be addressed to improve our lives. I strongly suggest talking with a professional. This is not a slam. Your brain is blocking out stressful situations. Please consider talking to someone.


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