Naomixjones live! sex chats for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Naomixjones live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Yes, good. Clubs have the double payoff of making new friends and providing an escape from your studies with a hobby you already enjoy.

    Oh, and when guys (or anyone really) get crude on text messages, its okay to get nasty yourself (but in a single reply, don't engage), or just ignore and block. Guys like this are using spam techniques. He replies to hundreds of women hoping for a few replies. By saying no, but even just replying with any level of respect at all, it was a message to him that sex was on the table if he just kept trying. The only reply should have been “No way. F__K off.” Just a bit of advice from an old guy.

    I hope your studies go well. Cheers.

  2. Dad IS an asshole, but she also doesn’t get to dictate how his and her son has a relationship with him. What he did to her is so wrong, but what she’s doing to her son is wrong now, although I’m sure she’s not in her most right mind at the moment. People make mistakes when they are hurting, but that doesn’t make it okay either.

  3. Thank you for this comment. I am really not trying to be dramatic about it, but it is very uncomfortable for me (and our family) to continuously see this woman. Just very awkward and I am now thinking of just avoiding seeing them all together. It's a very odd dynamic.

  4. Are you asking if you should deny your feelings, push them down, ignore them? No. Not ever. You can simultaneously have feelings about something, and recognize that it might also be forgivable. The most important thing is that you allow your feelings to be present and process/grieve them.

  5. That comment doesn't maker her sound selfish, it just makes them sound like they like different things. There is nothing wrong with wanting to stay in and relax.

  6. Did the event pass already? If not, I would find out the place and show up while they are there without his knowledge and if I didn’t know the place, I would show up with him to find out why

  7. Ew. “Show me your company & I’ll tell you who you are” & that’s all I’m gonna say on this one. What stupid logic.

  8. This happened almost exactly to me in 2010. It is devastating and horrible. It feels surreal and like it can't be true. If you're in a situation I was and it is true, YOU WILL BE OK. You and your kids will figure life out. It SUUUUCKS and it's naked, but you deserve someone who will treat you with dignity and respect. Good luck and be well, and know you deserve better than a partner who will lie to your face and take time away from your family for their own selfish needs.

  9. Whether or not he’s been physical with this woman, he is having an affair. He’s lying to you about where he is so he can hang out with her. He’s sharing his thoughts and feelings with her while neglecting you. Obviously you do not want to live! your life this way, so you need to talk with him. There is a good chance he will continue lying and gaslighting, but you should make it clear that his actions are destroying the marriage and if he wants to stay with you and the family you built together, this needs to stop. He needs to communicate with you. He needs to put in effort to rebuilding your marriage.

    If it comes out that his betrayal is worse than it seems, or even if what he’s done that you’re aware of is too hurtful to continue with him. Find a lawyer.

  10. Yikes, he has totally abused and brainwashed her. She potentially will have these fears for the rest of her life thanks to this asshole.


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