NATY-SEXYSUGAR online sex chats for YOU!

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7 thoughts on “NATY-SEXYSUGAR online sex chats for YOU!

  1. jumping the gun a bit, don't you think? has he shown you, idk, family photos? a social media account? Jason he talked about having siblings before? what about your relationship makes you so immediately untrusting of him?

  2. Unfortunately, love is not enough for a successful healthy relationship. Love is the foundation that its built on, it is necessary but not sufficient. You also need compatibility. The unfortunate truth is that you are not compatible. You want to have sex and that is ok! It is absolutely not “selfish!!” Just like anything else – we exist in relationships with needs and wants – that's not selfish that's just life! I feel like you already know this but this relationship is not going to work. It's time to end it.

    I know how you're feeling. You love her so much, can't imagine life without her. You are 21 years old. If I had to guess this is the first serious fully in love, “adult” relationship you've had. I've been there. You're so safe and comfortable with this person you don't want to give it up, and you don't think it can be replicated – it can. I promise. You will eventually find someone who you both love and are compatible with. But that's not the priority. The priority now is ending this relationship and healing from it. That likely means cutting contact. It also means spending time with friends and family, doing things you love, picking up a new hobby maybe, working out, reading a book etc. You will be very sad for a little and then you will be less sad and less sad and you'll be ok. It's a cliche but time truly does heal all wounds, but you have to rip the bandaid off.


    Plus waiting until marriage is honestly a pretty horrible idea! Sexual compatibility is important for a relationship – how do you know you have it if you don't have sex before marriage?

  3. Quit your job and move away from this guy. If you destroy what you have right now, you will forever regret it.

    I'm warning you now, not to make that mistake.

  4. I'm not trying to be rude, you are definitely not more knowledgeable if you think these things are so very naked to find because of “algorithms” unless you're on the dark web.

  5. Start recording and video-ing secretly. You never know when you might need it. Also password protect everyth you don't know if he snoops on ur phone

  6. He didn't have the chance to hook up with her 13 ish months ago? He didn't take any trips in that time frame? I'd be on the safe side and assume everything your husband has told you since he's known her is a lie. Cheater lie about everything.


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