Throughout your married life, you both will go through several periods of intense stress due to any number of life events. If this is how your husband acts when he is confronted with damning evidence of something creepy he has done, then it doesn't bode well for your future together.
Please think about your child's safety and welfare and your own. He may not be husband material after all.
If you don't separate from her now, you will be associated with this garbage. To me anytime the word grooming is mentioned, it usually means lawyers, parents, lawsuits, etc.
If you are uncomfortable, go with your gut.
If you are asking if we think the post was ick, I don’t think so. He said the future. He didn’t start a wedding registry.
To me, he was saying he looks forward to spending more time with you.
Also figure that the message may have been written with you in mind, to let you know that he is enjoying getting to know you.
Hon. Get an abortion. You cannot have this man's baby- he will use the baby to keep you trapped and hurt you worse.
Throughout your married life, you both will go through several periods of intense stress due to any number of life events. If this is how your husband acts when he is confronted with damning evidence of something creepy he has done, then it doesn't bode well for your future together.
Please think about your child's safety and welfare and your own. He may not be husband material after all.
If you don't separate from her now, you will be associated with this garbage. To me anytime the word grooming is mentioned, it usually means lawyers, parents, lawsuits, etc.
Good lord this is the longest post I’ve ever seen