Niiaa1 on-line sex chats for YOU!

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6 thoughts on “Niiaa1 on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. It would be unfair to prevent people with criminal convictions (im talking non severe convictions ) from traveling though. Not to mention anyone could call and make false reports. Things aren't that simple.

  2. PART 4- 2days ago, L and I stayed up late together, until about 2am. I kept reminding him that he had work the next day, but he said it was fine. I believed him because he is an adult and can make his own decisions, but in the past he has told me he wants me to wake him up for work in the morning. The next morning he wakes up at 7:30 and is about 30 minutes late to work. I had told him the time a lot already. In the last month this is the 4th or 5th time he was late and at this point it felt like his work was going to fire him (two of the times he woke up at 12 pm and he had received multiple warnings). No matter what I said he wouldn’t get up… so I said “I don’t want you anymore. Get out” he woke up at that one… He got up and started slamming things, asking me if I really didn’t want him anymore. Which I said “Yes now please go to work”. For context I take sedative medications that make it impossible for me to wake up and I can’t really get up in the mornings (this is how I’m so chill most of the time and no longer act the way I used to). So I can’t get up for maybe 10-12 hours. I couldn’t do anything while he was slamming the doors and couldn’t do anything when he broke a wooden heart he had made me when he asked me to be his girlfriend. His mom had been blowing up our phones and while I couldn’t get up she was aggressively clicking our doorbell trying to get L and I to answer the door. She has a tracker on her phone and saw that he was not at work yet and decided to go to my house and try to get in. She said she thought that none of my 4 other roommates were home but in reality 2 of them were home but too afraid to answer the door.

    I live! in my parents old home where we house travel nurses and have lived here for a year now. I don’t have a lease or a down payment but I pay rent to my parents every month so it’s mutually beneficial for us. I can watch out if anyone needs anything at the house and watch out for damage (protecting their assets) and I don’t have to pay a huge down payment plus I can leave when I want to.

    That morning I could hear L driving after slamming and breaking things, getting his stuff, and at the time I didn’t put it together on why he was revving his engine and I could hear his wheels squealing on the ground. I’m just helplessly laying there in bed. I couldn’t even check the window. So I think around 2pm I get up (we went to bed at 2am so 12 hours). He had been calling and texting me multiple times and knew I would wake up around 2pm so he calls me apologizing and tells me he is making a new wooden heart and that he will never do it again. I apologize too because it was cruel of me to say I don’t want him just because he wouldn’t go to work and would probably get fired. We make up and I tell him to never slam things or break things in my parents house because I don’t want him to damage doors or accidentally hurt me when I can’t move or defend myself (I was terrified and very defenseless… Ironically this is before I walked outside too). I didn’t think he caused any damage because he told me he had not done anything except cry all day in his car (told his work that he had a “family emergency”)

    I walk outside and see that my parents yard was destroyed and he had sprayed all the yard dirt onto my car. My roommate comes down and say that a scary blonde woman (his mom) had been obsessively ringing the door bell and he thought she was crazy and going to try to hurt people in the house because he didn’t know her. He also heard the slamming and the car destroying the yard but he assumed it was the crazy blonde lady still.

    After finding that out I was pretty unhappy. Of course I was upset, he was actively destroying my family’s property and his mom was scaring my roommates just because her son wouldn’t get up for work.

    Right now I know I should be angry, but I’m not. Like I said I can’t really manage to be mad for a long time and told him that he needs to promise to fix the yard. I’ve communicated about not liking what happened and how I never want it to happen again. I decided that he can’t sleep over at my house until I can trust him again, but he’s honestly making a huge deal about it. He is accusing me of having men over and that’s why I won’t let him sleepover or that I’m partying at night when he leaves. I don’t really know what to do. I don’t understand how he doesn’t think his actions shouldn’t have any consequences and that he can sleep over at my house like nothing happened. My parents have cameras and don’t know about the damages yet… or that my roommates want to report L’s mom. I’m the only one without a lease in the house and while I don’t think my parents would ask me to leave, if my roommates have enough complaints about my boyfriend and his mom, my parents will eventually have to tell me that I can’t stay anymore. I can’t have him come over if he continuously acts this way and he already has so many red flags… Things are getting better but now I’m scared of what he will do and what would happen if we did break up. I’ve never been scared of him before, but yesterday opened my eyes to the fact that maybe I should be scared of him. I’m too afraid of talking to my family about this and I know they will tell me to leave him (family is always on your side), but Reddit, should I leave him? Or give him another chance? Is this karma for how I treated B? Should I help L get better and get past his issues like B did for me?

  3. I mean, what you described IS emotional and financial abuse. I had a dad a bit like yours. My advice would be to cut him out of your life. He placed this other woman above not only your mom, but you too. Your whole family. He only cares about himself. If you really want to hurt him, tell him you’ve lost respect for him, and you’ll never see him the same way again. Feeling nothing for him will hurt him more than a big outburst.

  4. Why is this a question. He fled the scene of the accident. Since your car was on video you would have been assumed as the drive and held accountable. Also, you’re being gaslit about the insurance and your fault. You cannot get great insurance on a car as old as yours. Collision is standard. Your boyfriend makes poor choices and that you haven’t seen the piling up of the red flags is alarming

  5. You should reach to RAINN for possibly a referral to someone that can help you with dealing with your SA. I am sorry that you were hurt and I hope you can find help and can heal. RAINN has a hotline for help and resources and support groups, you should give them a call. There are some great resources and you deserve to heal and to be able to have a healthy, safe relationship. Don’t denied yourself help, reach for it, you deserve it. ❤️


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