Ninniii online webcams for YOU!

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57 thoughts on “Ninniii online webcams for YOU!

  1. Start collecting evidence and talking to a lawyer. This isn’t normal and she can’t justify it. He is 100% cheating on you.

  2. While I love jewelry and would like it as a gift, Id much rather get like the entire series of my favorite TV show or my fav movies and a DVD player. It's more thoughtful and more meaningful I feel. Jewelery would be good for a couple future gifts, but 3 months? For EXPENSIVE jewelry specifically? That's too much, my partner and I are one month and while we did get each other jewelry for Christmas it's fairly cheap ones we just thought the other would like, and we're getting eachother other mode meaningful shit too

  3. Jewellery can be an easy gift to buy. The DVDs show her you listen to her and they are very thoughtful.

    Do what you want to do.

  4. Crying is fine. Grieving is normal. This was 8 years of your life. It's gonna hurt. That's why I said to grieve. Do whatever you need to do to move past this. Do not repress your emotions. You need to release them to heal.

    I had to learn how to see things from the perspective of a selfish person. That was part of me trying to get over what happened. I needed to know why.

    Ultimately I never found an answer, except they're selfish. That doesn't make sense to me but it's not about me. It's about them. They're the one with the problem. Not me.

  5. He isn’t cheating. He would not be “happy” if he were because his conscience would be driving him crazy.

  6. If my spouse made my relatives funeral an uncomfortable environment for me, I don’t know if we would make it far after that. You needed his support and instead he criticized how your family grieved, went out of his way to be upset (it’s normal not to introduce people at a funeral, there’s a bigger thing happening!), and then was emotionally volatile at the end of the day.

    I would think really hard if this behavior is a one off with an underlying reason or if this is an escalating behavior, or something that you’ve shrugged off in less serious situations.

    Reddit is quick to tell people to break up but obviously we don’t have all the details. But consider bigger situations – can he put his ego aside for the wedding? Will he be different at a closer relatives funeral? What will his support look like if you’re ill, or giving birth, or lost a job? And ultimately is this sustainable for you?

  7. Hello /u/hthr2222,

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  9. My name issue that I have with I have nowhere to go if we do and if I take her out but I don’t want to take her out as I know she has nowhere to go and I care too much about people in that sense

  10. And for now, sleep separately . Do not deprive yourself of sleep. It's a good idea to get a snoring detection app for your phone to show your doctor. But also have a serious talk with your bf if he actually thinks you can just stop. Being kept awake by snoring is s real problem and he was right to bring it up and ask you to do something. But if he thinks you could just stop, he's wrong of course.

  11. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My girlfriend’s best friend is staying with us for the weekend and they were talking about a guy that one of their mutual friends is seeing, and how he’s really freaky in bed and he makes her scream and all of that. Then my gf’s friend pulled up a picture of the dudes dick that the friend sent to her, and I can’t help but feel a little upset about how my girlfriend reacted.

    She basically was speechless, but not in the way somebody is when they’re uncomfortable and don’t want to give a reaction, she was like “wow, that’s… holy shit, that’s not even right… fuck” or something along those lines. Basically she was impressed and she didn’t bother to make any mention of me or say anything reassuring towards me even though I was sitting right there, and she knows I can be sexually insecure.

    I know the picture wasn’t sent directly to her from this dude and it was just a part of ‘girl talk’, but I wouldn’t react to another woman’s body like that, especially not in front of her. Sometimes she shows me pictures of IG models and ask me if I think they are hotter than her, or if they have a nice body and I always give a nonchalant response out of respect. So it was very hurtful to see her react in such a way about another guy’s dick. Also, it seems kind of shitty to me that they’re sharing around this guy’s package amongst the friend group, but that’s a different issue.

    Since I have a history of (sometimes unreasonable) sexual insecurity I want some feedback to see my feelings are justified before I bring them up to her. We’ve been together for a year.

  12. I can understand you. He picks fights (about a topic) and wants to win this. can it be that he is a bad loser overall?

    The thing is that he is nearly 30, so he won't change anymore. If he would realize for himself that his behaviour is a problem, he could try therapy, but do you think he sees his behaviour as a flaw?

    I think if he starts such argument-war, you should just not discuss with him, show him proof or ask him for proof but don't argument with him. It just sucks all your energy out of you. Or try to end a discussion with “oh well, let's end it here. It is alright to have different views!” and see if he can take this outcome or want to be the winner.

  13. No she doesn't know…. I know it sounds terrible and that makes me a terrible person, but I would never cheat on her or anybody I'm in a committed relationship with

  14. My immediate thought was that he must be living with another girl…..or his other gf knows where he lives and has a key. He doesn't want an awkward moment if she pops by unannounced.

  15. People have too much choice. While you may have only been talking to him, he may have been talking to other people. Maybe something has progressed with someone else so he isn't looking at other messages.

    Maybe he is married

    Maybe he wasn't taking it as seriously as you

    Maybe he dosnt have the maturity to tell you he's not interested anymore

    There are so many reasons people ghost but you don't need someone like that around. Someone who can't show a little respect isn't worth your energy.

  16. Man, that is rough. You definitely had that social media idealization or believed every girl should look like those gym girls on IG/TikTok and projected on to her.

    Working out is fantastic. I love lifting and I enjoy the way it makes me feel mentally and physically, but that's me. People are always going to be different and you projected onto her in a horrible way. I'm telling you this now: women (people in general) will never forget how you make them feel and you belittled her into making her believe that her worth was tied to her physical appearance.

    The best I can tell you is that you need to be fine with the space she's taking from you. Whatever moment you can and when she wants to actually meet, put full effort: plan date nights, get her snacks or things she loves, hit her love languages, and just be supportive as best as you can. She sounds like she's preparing a life without you, but is trying to hold on to what she has/knew of you while trying to slowly let go. Again, don't force anything, but you have a lot of work to put in if you're adamant about getting another shot. Don't even bring up working out or the gym in forever.

  17. Tell him you want your education!! Get yourself to a place you can be independent!!

    If you go back home, you will be back in your mom's power!!

  18. Chances are they didn’t think you were ‘like’ anything except possibly a bit drunk. Leave it alone and get some sleep!

  19. Consider a sex therapist. They are made for this kind of situation. He could have hang ups he doesn’t even realize he has.

  20. I don’t feel like it’s fair to keep an elderly dog locked in another room. I personally would never keep my cat locked in another room if a strange dog wanted to come over or etc. This has been brought up to me personally in my own home before which I have declined because I just wouldn’t be okay putting any of my pets in another room for a prolonged time.

  21. When I said “manages finances” I mean he lives in her old house and she pays everything for that house that him and his brother (24M) live in together. She has a charge account for them at the grocery store so that they can charge whatever groceries they need and she will pay it off at the end of each month. He technically works for his dad on the farm. And wants to continue to work on the farm. Although it seems that he isn’t putting in any work. I have noooo clue what he does with his money.

    I want to talk to him about this but he does have tender feelings and I’m worried about hurting his feelings.

  22. Never in my life have heard of a woman taking Plan B for anything but emergency contraception. She almost certainly cheated. I’m sorry, dude. But you’re in college far away from her! Use this as a chance to find a gal more worth your time and love!

  23. Fuck am I glad I'm not this young and annoying now (not you OP).

    People do shit like this all the time. It's very fucking annoying. Just know what you want!!!

    Anyway, yes carrying on like this IS a horrible idea. You're just going to get hurt. Or she is. Or both.

  24. Been with my husband for 14 years, married for 9. Do you know how many times one of us went away with a person of the opposite sex by ourselves? None. Never. Not once. It never even crossed my mind.

    What he did by sending screen shots of your private convo is so disrespectful and then making it out like you are crazy?! I won't stand for that nonsense. The fact that he'd rather go away by himself (even after she invited you) is just another red flag in a long list of flashing neon red flags from this boy-child (because no real MAN would treat his woman like this).

    Good luck with your decisions.

  25. Feels like more of a conquest list then any sort of STI list.

    Might want to start thinking about an exit strategy.

  26. How recently are we talking? What “work” has he done?

    You logically should be afraid of being hurt again. You've been in an on/off relationship for six months. That's the definition of an unhealthy relationship.

    Can he change? Of course he logically can. Did he “recently?” Of course not. But you're going to give him a chance, so just pay attention.

  27. that's what i'm thinking… i would always ask first if it's okay to eat something at someone else's home. especially when it's some kind of special treat (that might be a bit expensive like protein bars).

    so i wouldnt say he's selfish but his reaction was highly inappropriate! maybe he was already annoyed bc of something else?

  28. I notice my comment was down voted. Surprising in 2023. Very few professions are single gender these days.

    Just avoid doing anything which seems like you are hiding things. If the opportunity arises to occasionally include your wife so she gets to know this colleague that might help as well.

    For the record, I work for a female. I have five (of 12) direct reports who are female. This is the world we live! in and people should celebrate it.

  29. OP, am I missing something? The times you went, it was from 7 till 5:30 in the morning? Over 9 hours at a bar and they each had only a few beers, and the conversation was slow and boring and shallow?

    That sounds like the longest night (and morning) ever. How could such a shallow conversation go on that long? Can you explain more about that? I can’t really picture it.

  30. He does have a right to say no. Simply put blood is frankly a turn off. Maybe it doesn't feel the same. Its his right to refuse sex and to not be guilted into it if he feels uncomfortable. Yes its a fact of life but no one should be forced/coerced/guilted/made to feel bad if they prefer sex a certain way/time. You can't force him to have sex with you on your period so that you feel “nice”. He has a boundary regarding sex, just as you may have your own boundaries. That should be respected. Imagine him pressuring you into doing something like… for arguments sake, anal, when you were uncomfortable with it? And he turned around and said you make him feel “unwanted” if you didn't do it for him?

  31. This is not an open relationship. Its an absolute rip off. He can go an fuck who he wants and hardly gives you any action while he is doing it but uses his bruised ego to emotionally blackmail you out of doing it yourself. You need to start demanding what you want from him minimum and if he won’t or can’t give you it then seek it from elsewhere. This emotional abuse has to stop.

  32. Yeah. Just been trying to distract myself. I don’t want to even talk to her ever tbh. Best to ignore and move on!

  33. No, OP guesses she did that. No proof.

    He also didn’t mistakenly put his dick inside her.

    You’re mistaken.

  34. This is textbook absuse OP. You need to contact a DV resource centre or get a therapist who specialises in DV. You need help to make a plan and get out. You deserve better than this and you don’t deserve any of it. Life can be so much better

  35. With his history, this would be enough of a red flag for me to leave too. Who wants to constantly worry about infidelity? I probably would have worried myself sick the entire time he was away at Vegas. That’s no way to on-line. He’s also way too secretive for his cheating to be in the past.

  36. It sounds like she is very broken and reverting to childhood comforting. She needs a therapist to help her. She was severely abused for 3 years and it's not going to be undone in 2 weeks or even 2 months. She needs professional help.

    If the cuddling makes you uncomfortable, for sure talk to her, gently. She is just seeking comfort and it still scared he's going to come for her. She knows daddy will protect her.

  37. Hmm yeah that sounds true. When I told him that I felt like our connection hasn't deepened after we became a committed relationship, he said it's because he felt the same about me when we were FWB as now. I was kind of offended but he said it's because he already cared then. (Funny how it was me to ask for a relationship then!)

    I brought up that conversation in January when I tried to understand his perspective on relationships. I asked him to define relationships/ intimacy/ love in his own way and I explained how I see them. We spoke about love languages and attachment styles.

    We almost broke up before that conversation, but he promised he would try to be more emotionally expressive and I promised to be patient, but it's hot…

  38. You don’t need to bring up every thing that led to you feeling as you do. But. You need to talk about how you are feeling. It doesn’t need to be a conflict. It’s a conversation.

  39. You need to confront him and ask him what the hell he was thinking giving a married woman a skimpy swimsuit. This is definitely inappropriate, and the fact that your wife doesn't see that is worrying.

  40. Seriously. We aren’t talking about a lie at 10 when she’s actually 20.

    Well over 100 people? Yikes dude, yeah I bet she lied about that lol.

    OP, your wife lied, and continually lied, right to your face about the most intimate parts of her life. Feeling like you were tricked and like you don’t even know her is completely understandable.

    I can’t tell you what to do, but I know for me at least, that would be a major issue

  41. Trust is gone and you have a valid reason not to trust her. Once trust is gone, whatever relationship you had or thought you had goes with it

    If you stay you will be miserable and you don’t deserve that

  42. Jesus Christ I can’t believe people like you exist in the real world. I thought this was strictly a Reddit persona that people tried to hide in real life to come across as normal.

    “Think of how immature we were in our 20s”. Newsflash dude, you’re still in your 20s.

    “Using a lot of slang and social media references I am too old to know”. Really? I don’t think your age is the reason you can’t relate to people man.

    I think you are chronically live! (look it up, it’s one of those new, hip social media slang terms) and you need to go with the flow. Stop being so rigid and judgmental. If you don’t like that girl, fine. Find some older woman who also has trouble relating to people and you two can be happy.

  43. She wants her cake and eat it, too. Keep you on the back burner, just in case hubby falls back into his old habits. Nice lady. You did the right thing by blocking her. I don't think she actually cared for you, if she really did love you, she would've left her husband no matter what.


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