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16 thoughts on “Nude Abby live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/BritneyNational. We do not allow submissions that involve minors. Should you have any questions, or if you feel this was in error please contact our mod team.

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  2. He either is one of those guys that bashes his girl infront of men but worships her… (obviously not) or his a douchebag.

    Notice how his instant reaction was “oh. Bye.” And not “let me explain' he can handle the lease on his own. Figure out how to get out of it and pack up and move. He's not worth it.

  3. u/apprearedatom, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  4. I've been in 2 long term and 2 more serious relationships of ~ a year and they were all very different people personality and life wise, but you described seems to be a reaaallyy common trait I've noticed in all men. They don't know or put effort into wooing a woman! Pick up $1 flowers let the girl know you care about her take her on a cute walk and take some pics. Costs nothing. They aren't smart enough or don't care enough. As a girl, simple things like this would make me feel less lonely in a relationship, but they never do that. Try telling him how you're feeling and propose solutions. His answer to that will tell you whether he's worth staying with.

  5. I get what you mean. I guess I didn't word it right. No one is replaceable, but what I meant to say was to try and replace old routines by routines with new people or even just your friends, so that you can break the habit and be able to disassociate. I remember practicing this when I wanted to move on from someone. Instead of talking to this person (we had a routine of catching up with each other before sleep everyday), I started catching up with some of my friends, which helped me build better bonds with them.

  6. Hello /u/OkFlamingo250,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

    Your title did not include at least two ages/genders or was not formatted correctly

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    include details about the involved parties including ages, genders, and length of relationship, and

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    [34NB][88-F] We are two people in an example post

    Please resubmit with a corrected title.

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  7. The fact that he loves his family more is not the issue here. I mean… I am in a 8+ years relationship and I do love my mother and brother more than my partner. They are there for him his whole life, you cannot expect to love you more than them after 1 year.

    Although the previous was not an issue for me, the “If I were gay, I would be with him” is a worrying statement. Do they have this kind of feelings for each other and they do not act on them because their sexualities are not compatible? Does your boyfriend has a crush on him? This is something worth discussing with him.

  8. I appreicate that. Even tho, people forget names all the time? I forgot his name. Ugh, it just sucks because sometimes I feel like I'm just being emotional.

  9. Yep tell her, but do it with proof and do it safely so that in case she decides to displace that rage, you don't end up in the warpath. Some women can't handle the truth about their men, so they destroy the competition. Message from an anonymous account but with receipts. Make sure to black out any identifying info for you. Tell her the info is obviously hers to do with as she pleases, you've cut him off and blocked him everywhere, and you'd want to know if you were her.

  10. And you're 23 doing absolutely nothing with your life. It's rich how you say not to bother strangers on-line because it's immature, and yet you came to reddit yourself to spew your childishness. Oh, and even 34yos with kids and jobs have this thing called downtime. But hey, what does a little girl who's never actually had a family of her own know about how to manage a family? You're hilarious.

  11. More red flags than a Chinese communist parade.

    Do you really want any of this? Way cheaper and easier to end things now.

  12. I feel you almost have unanswered questions about your previous relationship which leaves you a bit confused? Over time, what people prioritise in a partner or want from their partner can change. Either from their situation or just things change in a relationship. At the beginning she may have been looking for everything that you offered her but over time wanted different things. Emotions are a funny thing and change so much. Just focus on you being happy though!

  13. So she blamed you? Classic cheater mentality. She cheated on you and hid it and only revealed it AFTER she got the ring. Yeah dump her ass. You deserve better and you’re still young.

  14. But why even make something up now he is not even home, she can do anything she wants. And to think of something as crazy as that to accuse him. That would be a very devious mind that she probably hasn’t displayed before.


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