As someone in a long term committed relationship with a partner i moved states for, this shit is NOT normal and absolutely is abusive. If my partner did that to me over smiling at him because he returned I would absolutely consider breaking up. It’s abusive and mean and absolutely ruined what should’ve been a celebration of her birthday. It’s pretty obvious you both are either terminally single, or are willing to put up with being treated like shit by a romantic partner.
So, I have to admit that I haven't read the whole book. The reason I recommended it to you is because your partner was doing half of the equation and this book, recommended by a doctor, is one of the things that convinced my partner to be okay with trying meds, along with a few long discussions with his doctor. One of the focuses of the book is the physiological aspects of depression and how medication is important.
This is salvageable If she gets her own apt or whatever
It IS her apartment. She owns it. She let him move in with her when he was 30 and she was 22 because he had “financial issues”, which he still hasn't fixed after 4 years.
Also improves libido ?and generally your self confidence! It’s one of the best forms of self care and self therapy. It does take effort to get into it though.
Ask your father if he’s really sorry for how he acted or if he just wants to see his grandkid. If he’s truly sorry and fully realizes what an asshole he was to his daughter, I would tell him that if he wrote an apology letter to her (that I would need to read before delivery to make sure he’s not still an ass) I would get it to her but with no promises that she’ll read it. That this is your only offer otherwise consider you Australia on the subject.
And to your sister I would say that she’s right, dad was a total ass and she has every right to do what she’s doing. That from what you can tell he’s realized he was an ass and why he was an ass and while it’s shitty that it took her getting pregnant for him to take his head out of his ass – at least he did. That you have a letter from him, that you made sure he’s not an ass in, if she wants to read it. Then I’d probably hand her a lighter and say you can burn it too. And let her know it’s your last interference, you only did because you believe he doesn’t want to be an ass anymore, and you’ll never bug her again about it.
And if he’s not truly sorry tell him he doesn’t get access to kids when you treat their parent like shit. Want to know your grandkids? Start by being a better parent.
Facebook is not real life. I know it hurts if someone doesn’t “like” a post- but this is just a social media website, not real life.
In real life your mom is not only giving you free room and board but she is actively trying to help you get back on your feet.
I know it’s embarrassing to have money trouble. And no, you don’t have to share that info with her. But it doesn’t sound like she is trying to belittle you or ruin your life- she is trying to help. Try to remember that everything she is doing is coming from a place of concern and love.
It also doesn’t sound like she cares if you are gay. It sounds like she doesn’t approve if your relationship because the guy you are with us mentally I’ll and has run you into the poor house, so bad that you had to move home. Don’t kid yourself, she loves you to death but it’s annoying having an adult child move back in- she was just free of you!!
Your boyfriend is toxic. He isn’t trying to be, but he is. (Before you go getting upset I am bipolar type 1- before I was diagnosed I was very bad. Now I’m on meds but I am STILL a handful. It’s very hard on my partner at times. I try my best to be good but sometimes I am just batshit crazy.) Bipolar is for life, and it fucking sucks. Good on you for still loving him, but YOU are going to have to be responsible for most things. Yes he can still function but what happens when you are relying on his paycheque to help with the rent & he gets fired again? What happens when YOU are being SO careful, not eating out, watching your spending and he comes to you with another $5000 credit card debt? You can’t keep moving back in with mom. At some point you are going to have to make a naked choice. It’s nice to be in love, but sometimes life doesn’t work out that way and love just isn’t enough.
Your mom is only loving you and wanting the best for you. It is going to be a NAKED life with this man. You are either going to have to control all of the finances and put him on an allowance (which will cause strain in the relationship on both sides) OR you guys are going to have to get used to going to the food bank and living in poor neighborhoods.
Yes some bipolar ppl can keep it together but there is always the risk of a slip. I will never be ‘normal’ there is always the risk of a breakdown and ending up in the psych ward again. Even if I take my meds regularly. Even if I visit my shrink like I’m supposed to and apply all my therapies I have learned. I’m not normal, and never will be. Your man is the same. If you really want to try and make it work IT IS GOING TO BE VERY HOT ON YOU. And your mom sees that. Give her a break. She loves you and sees the dangers ahead.
If you try to be with your man I wish you the very best of luck and the world of strength and patience.
If you mom didn’t like the post it’s because it’s not a future any mom would wish for her child. It has nothing to do with being gay, and everything to do with him being mentally I’ll for life.
Aside from the fact that you're a cheater who should be abandoned, the fact that you use the term “endgame” for this situation is cringe on its own lol
Exactly if he’s more aware he would invest into more suitable things for their life .
As someone in a long term committed relationship with a partner i moved states for, this shit is NOT normal and absolutely is abusive. If my partner did that to me over smiling at him because he returned I would absolutely consider breaking up. It’s abusive and mean and absolutely ruined what should’ve been a celebration of her birthday. It’s pretty obvious you both are either terminally single, or are willing to put up with being treated like shit by a romantic partner.
So, I have to admit that I haven't read the whole book. The reason I recommended it to you is because your partner was doing half of the equation and this book, recommended by a doctor, is one of the things that convinced my partner to be okay with trying meds, along with a few long discussions with his doctor. One of the focuses of the book is the physiological aspects of depression and how medication is important.
This is salvageable If she gets her own apt or whatever
It IS her apartment. She owns it. She let him move in with her when he was 30 and she was 22 because he had “financial issues”, which he still hasn't fixed after 4 years.
Also improves libido ?and generally your self confidence! It’s one of the best forms of self care and self therapy. It does take effort to get into it though.
Ask your father if he’s really sorry for how he acted or if he just wants to see his grandkid. If he’s truly sorry and fully realizes what an asshole he was to his daughter, I would tell him that if he wrote an apology letter to her (that I would need to read before delivery to make sure he’s not still an ass) I would get it to her but with no promises that she’ll read it. That this is your only offer otherwise consider you Australia on the subject.
And to your sister I would say that she’s right, dad was a total ass and she has every right to do what she’s doing. That from what you can tell he’s realized he was an ass and why he was an ass and while it’s shitty that it took her getting pregnant for him to take his head out of his ass – at least he did. That you have a letter from him, that you made sure he’s not an ass in, if she wants to read it. Then I’d probably hand her a lighter and say you can burn it too. And let her know it’s your last interference, you only did because you believe he doesn’t want to be an ass anymore, and you’ll never bug her again about it.
And if he’s not truly sorry tell him he doesn’t get access to kids when you treat their parent like shit. Want to know your grandkids? Start by being a better parent.
I'm genuinely asking.
If I found out my friend was best friends with an outright racist I would definitely have a worse opinion of him.
Lots going on here.
Facebook is not real life. I know it hurts if someone doesn’t “like” a post- but this is just a social media website, not real life.
In real life your mom is not only giving you free room and board but she is actively trying to help you get back on your feet.
I know it’s embarrassing to have money trouble. And no, you don’t have to share that info with her. But it doesn’t sound like she is trying to belittle you or ruin your life- she is trying to help. Try to remember that everything she is doing is coming from a place of concern and love.
It also doesn’t sound like she cares if you are gay. It sounds like she doesn’t approve if your relationship because the guy you are with us mentally I’ll and has run you into the poor house, so bad that you had to move home. Don’t kid yourself, she loves you to death but it’s annoying having an adult child move back in- she was just free of you!!
Your boyfriend is toxic. He isn’t trying to be, but he is. (Before you go getting upset I am bipolar type 1- before I was diagnosed I was very bad. Now I’m on meds but I am STILL a handful. It’s very hard on my partner at times. I try my best to be good but sometimes I am just batshit crazy.) Bipolar is for life, and it fucking sucks. Good on you for still loving him, but YOU are going to have to be responsible for most things. Yes he can still function but what happens when you are relying on his paycheque to help with the rent & he gets fired again? What happens when YOU are being SO careful, not eating out, watching your spending and he comes to you with another $5000 credit card debt? You can’t keep moving back in with mom. At some point you are going to have to make a naked choice. It’s nice to be in love, but sometimes life doesn’t work out that way and love just isn’t enough.
Your mom is only loving you and wanting the best for you. It is going to be a NAKED life with this man. You are either going to have to control all of the finances and put him on an allowance (which will cause strain in the relationship on both sides) OR you guys are going to have to get used to going to the food bank and living in poor neighborhoods.
Yes some bipolar ppl can keep it together but there is always the risk of a slip. I will never be ‘normal’ there is always the risk of a breakdown and ending up in the psych ward again. Even if I take my meds regularly. Even if I visit my shrink like I’m supposed to and apply all my therapies I have learned. I’m not normal, and never will be. Your man is the same. If you really want to try and make it work IT IS GOING TO BE VERY HOT ON YOU. And your mom sees that. Give her a break. She loves you and sees the dangers ahead.
If you try to be with your man I wish you the very best of luck and the world of strength and patience.
If you mom didn’t like the post it’s because it’s not a future any mom would wish for her child. It has nothing to do with being gay, and everything to do with him being mentally I’ll for life.
Aside from the fact that you're a cheater who should be abandoned, the fact that you use the term “endgame” for this situation is cringe on its own lol
“Stop coming into our private room. Stop trying to look into our room. Are you some sort of pervert? STOP right now.”