PauCutee24 on-line webcams for YOU!

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9 thoughts on “PauCutee24 on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I do think it’s selfish to string someone along. 6 months to me is unfair and stringing along. But I don’t think needing space is a bad thing as long as we are both clear on our intentions.

    Being in a relationship can become overwhelming and I think space allows people to clear their heads and think about how they feel with out pressure of their partners emotions. I’ve lived with someone before and and needed space (not indefinite tho, like a day to myself on the weekends) so that I could still feel like an individual.

    So space I understand. But a 6 month break I can not.

  2. I have anxiety and depression. I tried IVF when we wanted to have a baby. It was unsuccessful. That sent me on such a downward spiral that I almost died in agony. Also, the whole process of hormone intake was horrendous (for me). I understand your position.

  3. Sounds like you're on the road to a controlling relationship. Acting injured because you haven't complied with a simple, mostly inconsequential request is how the snowball starts. You'll give in because this isn't the hill you want to die on, but this behavior will continue to escalate.

  4. No problem! Another question… could it be something that is around at work? A chemical or a paint…something along those lines? Something that he wouldn’t really think twice about but may be something new he’s coming into contact with?

  5. That is one thing I was worried about. But from what grandma said, she didn't date anyone and had no one as a father figure.

  6. Dump him. He sounds exhausting, violent, lazy, and verbally abusive. Not sure what he's bringing to the table here.


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