Paulett Bonet live! sex chats for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “Paulett Bonet live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/Phoenix-Rising79,

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  2. I noticed you said you felt like BM sends the child weekly because she wants to have a break-which I mean, you are a parent I am sure you get that. But frankly it seems like it gets put on you, so he doesn’t want to fulfill his parental obligations either-and he found you. That is pretty lame.

  3. You need to go to marriage counseling as soon as possible if you want to save your marriage and possibly IC for yourself. You didn’t do anything, they did and know they are both feeling guilty and attempting to blame you. Your husband needs to take responsibility for his actions.

  4. Personally.. I don't see the benefit of telling her my man. What's your end goal here – that she'll say 'oh I too always loved you' and break it off the three year relationship?

    If anything, it'll make things a lot more complicated. Even if she's happy with the honesty, pretty sure mr 3 year boyfriend won't be. Worst case, you make everyone involved uncomfortable and lose a friend.

    So my advice is, move on, tell yourself now isn't the right time. Fawning over a friend in a long term relationship isn't very healthy in its own right.

  5. It sounds like the only reason you think he may be cheating on you is because you don't think men can go six months without sex? I mean…you know masturbation is a thing that exists, right? And that's assuming that your boyfriend can't control his sexual desire, which is a whole other thing. Plenty of guys are perfectly capable of existing in a healthy relationship without sex and also have platonic female friends.

    At the end of the day though you either trust your boyfriend or you don't. If he's given no evidence of actually cheating then yes you're likely worrying over nothing. But if you truly aren't able to trust that he's being faithful to you, why are you with him?

  6. I'm sorry! Rejection really sucks. But putting yourself out there was a brave thing to do; at least now you know where you stand.

    I think you should take some space from him. You won't be able to move on and get over him if you're talking and seeing each other regularly. You actually have a better chance of remaining friends in the long term if you let yourself process this and don't try to jump back into being friends in the same way immediately.

    Be up front with him– I'd say something like, “hey, I need some space from our friendship. You didn't do anything wrong, but I just need to get over these feelings. I'll get back in touch with you when I'm ready.” Hopefully he understands. Then cry, eat ice cream, watch sad movies, all the things. Feel all the feelings for like a week. Then get yourself out of the house, go out with other friends, and try to have fun again. And good luck.


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