I think you need to find something more interesting to do with your time so you’re not obsessing over whether a text takes 5 minutes or 5 hours to get a reply. That’s a sign you’re very bored.
Well the obvious thing is she's jealous. That's interesting because there's no real reason for it. It tells me she is missing something from you. Have you considered moving beyond this talking phase with her?
And yeah, this shit happens. Don't pick this fight with her. You don't want to fight over something stupid like this. Do whatever to apologize without acknowledging blame, and show her your commitment. Fights like this aren't rational, just accept that. This won't be the last time you'll find yourself in this situation.
He definitely needs to clear his pockets. But frankly why can't he do his own laundry anyway? He's being an AH.
You let Abby from tlou2 stick something in your ass. No “latent tendencies” that's just gay
I think you need to find something more interesting to do with your time so you’re not obsessing over whether a text takes 5 minutes or 5 hours to get a reply. That’s a sign you’re very bored.
Well the obvious thing is she's jealous. That's interesting because there's no real reason for it. It tells me she is missing something from you. Have you considered moving beyond this talking phase with her?
And yeah, this shit happens. Don't pick this fight with her. You don't want to fight over something stupid like this. Do whatever to apologize without acknowledging blame, and show her your commitment. Fights like this aren't rational, just accept that. This won't be the last time you'll find yourself in this situation.
There is a problem, and it's how uneven unbalanced and unfair your position would be. You can't on-line in their established chaos. It won't work.