PoiisonGirl on-line webcams for YOU!

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9 thoughts on “PoiisonGirl on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. u/NecessaryFlamingo620, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. Yeah… maybe it's just me but I've never understood how people could have sex and not form a connection and get destroyed mentally. I can't fathom the idea that a girl or a guy is having sex every time they go on a date, like what?

  3. My partner has made a fuss several times about me hanging out with this particular friend

    My partner (37f) asked to FaceTime me when I (27fm) was helping my friend (20f)

    Can't imagine why :/

  4. Her best friend came to me and told me

    I wonder why. It seems like an out of the blue thing to do (I guess maybe she was changing phone and saw the video).


    In the video I can clearly see my wife making out with a guy and his hands were on her breasts, they were in a rooftop party and everyone was drunk

    Yeah that would be a no bueno for me. One thing that sticks out is that the only thing that she admits to is stuff that she was caught doing.


    she is adamant that they did not have sex. They just made out and cuddled but no sex.

    It sounds like it could be trickle truth, she admits to what she was caught doing and no more. Remember this, there is no credit for telling the truth because if it wasn't for the friend being honest she wouldn't have confessed. It might help to draw an actual timeline and get her to be very specific about what happened and where, also an open device policy (although any message could have been deleted by now). Personally I couldn't believe someone that lied to me, regardless about what it was about.


    My first instinct was to file for divorce but we have a 6 yo and I dont want to see her every other week

    The thing about this is that your daughter will notice if you guys aren't ok and if you can't genuinely forgive then this will come through. I would consult a lawyer and maybe push for 50/50.

    Good luck and I hope she is telling the truth finally, but I am jaded from reddit and liars XD

  5. I suggest you to delete all your pics from your bf phone, laptops and any other devise he has, then immediately break up.

    This is not the kind of man that.you want to make into a.husband. he is already 27 and has no respect towards women.


  6. OP- I sat down and put myself in your situation … I have so many questions but I know you likely just are in shock right now so I’ll go with advice. First off I’m sorry brother. This can happen to anyone, people sit high and mighty on Reddit and think this shit could never happen to me. You are not the first nor the last. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Hire a private investigator and go about your week. Tell your closest friend (non mutual friend) so you can have someone to talk to in real life. Update Reddit if you can. Protect your mental health, you might find yourself in a rage soon. Or depression might set in, don’t leave that to Reddit. Get a real person in your corner.

    Communicating with her about the potential cheating would normally be my course of advice for someone who would be willing to stay but it doesn’t sound like you are.


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