Why would you believe a woman is going to flirt with other men infront of her boyfriend just because she’s going to the club? Please adapt a healthier opinion on women before dating one.
In the early days of the Internet, I once saw a proto-meme. Just a picture with a caption.
It was of a pretty model in a classic swimsuit pose with the caption “Somebody, somewhere is tired of putting up with her shit”. You don't know that person and their personality. There's more to a person than “prettiness”.
You could look at Gal Gadot and think 'Wow, she's a 10' but I'd take Emma Stone over GG every day because there's more to attraction than pretty. Your BF thinks that you're attractive, that you're pretty. Don't compare yourself to other people. Looks aren't everything and they are nothing compared to compatibility. There's a reason that she's the Ex and not the Current. Hugh Jackman could have had any number of naked, young women but he loves his wife, Deborah-lee.
A false gesture is something done with the pretense of kindness or support rather than actual kindness and support. OP even stated that they lashed out because they didn't think her healing process was what they thought it should have been – i.e., prioritizing lightening his load before seeking out ways to improve or re-normalize her own mental and physical wellness after an intense medical experience.
I'm guessing she was the primary home caretaker, worked, and regularly worked out – and when she didn't take back the bulk of the responsibility in the timeline he expected, he victimized himself and is blaming her rather than writing out an actual self-reflective narrative about the situation.
She’s going to be with him even if you say no. She’s just going to lie to you. Go home and start divorce proceedings. She’s not worth it.
Look for an anulment.
What I asked was how to come to terms with the situation and accept it.
No!! Talk to the office on the best way to handle it!!
Why would you believe a woman is going to flirt with other men infront of her boyfriend just because she’s going to the club? Please adapt a healthier opinion on women before dating one.
In the early days of the Internet, I once saw a proto-meme. Just a picture with a caption.
It was of a pretty model in a classic swimsuit pose with the caption “Somebody, somewhere is tired of putting up with her shit”. You don't know that person and their personality. There's more to a person than “prettiness”.
You could look at Gal Gadot and think 'Wow, she's a 10' but I'd take Emma Stone over GG every day because there's more to attraction than pretty. Your BF thinks that you're attractive, that you're pretty. Don't compare yourself to other people. Looks aren't everything and they are nothing compared to compatibility. There's a reason that she's the Ex and not the Current. Hugh Jackman could have had any number of naked, young women but he loves his wife, Deborah-lee.
Be happy and be kind to yourself, OP
A false gesture is something done with the pretense of kindness or support rather than actual kindness and support. OP even stated that they lashed out because they didn't think her healing process was what they thought it should have been – i.e., prioritizing lightening his load before seeking out ways to improve or re-normalize her own mental and physical wellness after an intense medical experience.
I'm guessing she was the primary home caretaker, worked, and regularly worked out – and when she didn't take back the bulk of the responsibility in the timeline he expected, he victimized himself and is blaming her rather than writing out an actual self-reflective narrative about the situation.