PurpleAriel live sex chats for YOU!

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7 thoughts on “PurpleAriel live sex chats for YOU!

  1. If you don’t have a lot of people invited, you do the party in a hip music shop. You don’t do it in room 202. The guys will have talked about stripper coming for weeks beforehand, that stripper cost a lot of money. This was a stripper party with music playing. 4 people does not a party make. The fact that it is only 4 people makes it a very intimate setting. What were the other guys doing during the lap dance?? The whole story is full of holes. Do you know the musicians? Are they in the press? Where were the press? Even at local level that is what you do. You come back with a cd or vinyl in your hand…I am so sorry you are seeing the other side of your SO. Talk it out, ask all the questions I put up there. Then decide I’d you can move past this or not. He didn’t want to upset you but he’s rocked your world either by being a pathetic crowd pleaser or a sneaky private dance party. He broke trust.

  2. Jesus Christ.

    That's not a fucking “boundary” it is a controlling rule.

    Tell him to get fucked, be single, find someone else, join a convent, but don't stay with this controlling abusive cretin.

  3. Dude, you're already going to be paying support for three children. I'd be running to the first doctor and getting snippet.

  4. as a victim of coercion, thank you for taking this seriously. I do think this person is basically sealioning though (see their ridiculous comment on whipped cream & tacos, no way they're serious). just another shitgibbon trying to be edgy and act superior to “the reddit hivemind”. you're correct though, they are absolutely describing coercion in all their comments.


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