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10 thoughts on “R4veenn live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/mian1o1,

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  2. Lots of people havea ho phase, and I do agree, but when more than one woman in the same work place give you the same warning, you listen. This doesn't sound like his long past based on the fact that he's surrounded by the same people.

  3. And that’s your choice. Personally, I would feel safer with someone that trusted and respected me enough to share their feelings and take steps to NOT cheat on me. But if that’s bad thing from your perspective you should divorce her, since apparently you don’t share similar values when it comes to marriage.

  4. He needs to tell her point blank it is not going to be reciprocated and to not make advances at him. Politely. Tell her to skip a couple game nights if she needs to but she’s welcome otherwise.

    She’s the awkward one- y’all are fine if he sets that firm boundary.

  5. Thank you. Yes, they do.

    My baby grew up, dated an abusive guy, and he (then ex-bf) murdered her when she was 18. So even though I left her dad when she was a baby, I was forced to allow him visitation with her, and she (my daughter) paid the price for who he was/is. It's…no words.

  6. Why is your wife not considered your best friend? You married her, you made children with her, dude, why are you not getting a babysitter and taking your wife to the museum for lunch?

  7. Do not try for children until you are completely happy in your relationship.


    Tell her, you consider leaving her over your sexual issues. That you do not want children that will lock you into relation where you are unhappy. Because you are unhappy, and she already knows it.

    Tell her you can try to solve this issue, but so far she hasn't even bothered with it. Tell her you know she satisfied how things are, but you are not and will not be. You do not want sex to end after children either, you do not want to divorce her when you already have children.

    If this shock therapy does not work, and push her to to try whatever can be tried, then just divorce.

  8. What an idiot you are! Sorry to say that!

    No girl would stay alone at a mans house who is in a relationship she knows of, if she isn't after something.

    Taking into consideration her “wanting you in her event”.

    What the actual eff….? You.had a girlfriend. Either you went with your girlfriend to that liars event.

    Or you didn't go at all…

    So she wouldn't have felt it worth trying a sleep over.

    But then…. I think this is creative writing. And poor creative writing at that.


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