This comment is your problem. Get a therapist. Forcing yourself into a relationship because you want to meet arbitrary, self-imposed timelines is how you end up unhappy and/or divorced later down the road.
I think this has gone a bit far in means of me saying I’m concerned she won’t find someone that will treat her as well as I do. All I’m saying is that I am concerned she will find someone who won’t. I grew up around a mom who was not treated well and that hurt and I care a lot about my gf and knowing what little other support she has around her adds the stresser for me of “who will she find next” and me fearing she would perhaps find a worse case scenario.
This in itself is I know not logical or morally sound thinking, but I don’t actually believe I am treating her better than anyone else can or will, I just want to know she will have someone good in her life, though I am forfeiting that right obviously.
As a white person I agree with you’re comment – they’re so naive
What game?
This comment is your problem. Get a therapist. Forcing yourself into a relationship because you want to meet arbitrary, self-imposed timelines is how you end up unhappy and/or divorced later down the road.
I think this has gone a bit far in means of me saying I’m concerned she won’t find someone that will treat her as well as I do. All I’m saying is that I am concerned she will find someone who won’t. I grew up around a mom who was not treated well and that hurt and I care a lot about my gf and knowing what little other support she has around her adds the stresser for me of “who will she find next” and me fearing she would perhaps find a worse case scenario.
This in itself is I know not logical or morally sound thinking, but I don’t actually believe I am treating her better than anyone else can or will, I just want to know she will have someone good in her life, though I am forfeiting that right obviously.