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10 thoughts on “Reish live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Seriously… and consider the fact that he might accidentally find out about it later. She was drunk, maybe she didn't realize someone else was actually present nearby and partially witnessed it… maybe she accidentally lets it slip later. Anything can happen…most of all, it's just dishonest to hide it from him indefinitely. She SHOULD be careful in how to broach the subject, but she MUST tell him. And look at how to communicate her true feelings to him without creating unnecessary misunderstanding.

  2. You are here looking for validation on leaving a cheater.

    Fucking congrats everyone supports you. But you didn't forgive, and I'm sorry but the time to fuck doesn't mean shit. So what she put out fast? Ppl cheat with one night stands bro. It's a strange thing to focus on.

    Normally I would be sympathetic but that was years ago. Stop wasting your life and choose. Move on one way or another.

    Seriously I hope you get through this. Sorry.

  3. Get yourself over to r/deadbedroom you are not alone in this and I think if he is not willing to change and you are not willing to live! like this forever, you already have your answer.

  4. If I were thé DIL, I would fear shed kidnap thé baby cuz of the obsessiveness. Less crazy things have happened

  5. Listen these types of things piss me off because it DOES NOT MATTER if he is joking or not. You are uncomfortable. Your mom, at the very least, should be talking to her friend and letting him know that no matter his intent, his comments are making her daughter uncomfortable, and he needs to stop. I would talk to her and say this directly to her that it doesn't matter whether he's joking or not, that she as your mother should be the one advocating for her daughter and telling HER adult friend to stop joking in that manner and making you uncomfortable. His intent is irrelevant here. And we all know he's not just joking, aside from your mom apparently.

    So if she won't tell him, you're going to have to. When he does this you need to say you know, you made your point I'm naked and a “perfect” girlfriend, but even though I know you're joking (he's not) please stop making these comments bc they make me uncomfortable and gross me out bc I've known you since I was a baby. Then every single time he continues to do so, go straight faced and walk away immediately.

    Or if you'd rather not confront him then just don't respond at all. No laughing about it to diffuse the awkwardness. Just walk away from him with no further words every single time. Do not allow the two of you to be in the same room alone at any time. I'm sorry you're dealing with this, but hopefully letting him know it's not okay (either via your mom or you) and/or disengaging from any type of interaction with him repeatedly every single time he makes these jokes will stop him. I hope your mom pulls her head out of her ass.

  6. He already told you he won't marry you. There are differences you just have rose colored glasses with blinders on. Concentrate on getting ready for school and leave a little early to see your friends. Enjoy being young and discovering the world with no strings attached.

  7. Leave. This isn’t just him. “Teachers are pedos” is a long-running attack on educators that is part of the larger right-wing culture war. The whole pedophile line of attack is just to attack teachers, their unions, LGBT folks, and generally anyone they disagree with. Because once you’ve established that all these people are pedophiles, it is okay to take away their rights. Your boyfriend is accusing you of something disgusting based on nothing and it is part of an attempt to control you. I would bet that he’s well on his way down the hate rabbit hole. It starts with a little Joe Rogan and Ben Shapiro, then maybe some bitcoin enthusiasm, some gamergate-type opinions, next thing you know he’s on 4chan posting anti-Semitic memes and he’s a Nazi. Don’t fuck Nazis.


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