Rikaray on-line webcams for YOU!

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  2. I really want to ask my mom and sister about this but they always side with him… I feel because “they know” I have good savings they will “assume its ok for now while the money runs out” but I cant run out of money… I need cash flow for my business… he does know what I do and he knows why I am in the whole this year. Edit: he pays for rent. I have to pay utilities and my car, and I am the one who buys the baby things (he only bought 2 items out of the 140 we needed) I feel played… but at the same time, he is not abusive… at least not that I can realize But then again, Ive been abused so much maybe I dont even see it anymore?

    I dont know

  3. He’s trying to screw you over. “You don’t have insurance so I shouldn’t have to pay to fix your car that I damaged.” That’s the dumbest excuse I’ve ever heard. This whole post made my blood boil. The scratches on your car means he shouldn’t have to pay as much? You bought it for $4500 with those scratches, he can do the same.

    Put your foot down, get him to admit to the accident in writing and agree to pay you IN FULL in writing, take his $1500 down payment, then dump his ass and take him to court for the rest. Forget his driving record, he put himself in that position. Leaving the scene of an accident is a felony in most places, he should consider himself lucky that he’s not in jail.

    He made his bed, now he’s gotta lie in it.

  4. I believe you. I really need to catch up with the times. They could also simulate phone messages. There would be no way of determining the difference really.

  5. This is such a nice post, congrats OP!

    I would ask, what type of information led to the ADHD diagnosis? Certain behaviors, thought patterns?

    Of course you don't have to share… I wouldn't want to ask anything too personal, but I'm so curious how one gets a real answer to whether or not they have something like this.

  6. The amount of people in the replies comparing your body to food is disgusting. Idk how long you’ve been together but if a person loves you they should be able to love all of you. My SO is not crazy about tattoos and doesn’t have any but has never asked me to stop getting them or looked at me any differently because of them.

  7. This is a complicated situation. Unless she is a very good at acting it doesn't seem like she did on purpose to make you pay the bill. How is she toward your money normally? If it's regular that she find reason for you to pay for stuff, then maybe it was an act.

    But starting with the assumption that this was real, you were right to not pay 1,000$ for people you might not really know. That said, the way you acted was really lacking in empathy. You were waiting outside, personally I would have for sure tried to get to my GF inside the restaurant. Talk to her and find a solution with her. I would have definitively pay at least for her part of the diner (whether or not you plan to ask for the money back later is another question).

    The fact that you just told her to ask her friends to pay for her own bill and stayed outside waiting is probably what she is mad about, not the fact that you didn't paid 1,000$.

    IMO you fucked up. The only way to make amend is just take responsibility for your mistake, if you get it. Depending on your money situation (do you think she is with you for money or not and your financial situation), you might want to get in touch with one of her friend. If one of them paid for your GF's bill or if they split it all together you can pay them for the portion of the bill from your GF and apologize about the situation. The goal here is repairing your reputation among her friend could help you with your GF.

    I repeat that this is only if you are sure your GF is not with your for your money and you are ok with that financially.

  8. I didn’t have the need to. It’s in the house.

    That’s the stupidest sentence I’ve ever read and honestly infuriating. And you didn’t have enough sense to ask your mom if she’d like you to do some grocery shopping. Who do you think is going to “put things in the house” when you move out? You think you’re just magically going to have the habit of checking for what you need? No. Let me tell you how this goes if you don’t start making some adult habits…

    You move in together and think that you are doing your equal share bc you do slightly more than you did with mommy taking care of you. Gf is resentful and brings up how she needs more help but you think she’s being unfair. You do plenty! Much more than you did at home, but you guys run out of toilet paper or milk or whatever it is for the thousandth time and you didn’t check, bc that’s never been “your” job. She’s had enough at this point bc it’s not her responsibility to keep up with everything and manage everything. It’s not her job to remind you to pick up toilet paper. So you break up or the relationship devolves into her hating you bc your an adult child but she can’t leave bc she’s worried you won’t be ok.

    Pick up better habits. Pretend your parents don’t on-line there. Buy your own groceries. Pay all of your own bills. Cook your own dinner. Do your own laundry. Clean your room and bathroom. Provide for yourself. Ask your parents how you can be helpful. No woman wants to raise someone else’s adult man child.

  9. Probably sooner than that. My husband was his bipolar mom's little angel until he started having thoughts and feelings of his own that didn't align with her own, sometime around 3 or 4.


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