ROX-LATIN on-line sex chats for YOU!

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61 thoughts on “ROX-LATIN on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. You should not only divorce but collect proof and go for sole custody. Don’t let your child alone with him

  2. So I can totally understand the 4 months – him prioritizing the friendship.

    BUT DROP HIM. He has told you that you will never be a priority to him. In the future, you should become a priority, especially if this is heading the marriage route.

  3. He is cheating and probably with someone younger than you. He can't control you so he is looking to replace you with someone he can control

  4. OP, Looks like this creep is already trying to replace you with a much younger woman. If not soon, one day he'll dump you when he realized you're too old for him. Don't wait for that to happen

  5. You mentioned your mental health and all of the issues that you have, but do you ever consider your SO's mental health and the pressure they're under?

    Every marriage goes through rough patches. Marriage is work, but it's worth it.

    Your husband is not responsible for you holding in your feelings all of these years, and it's unfair to blame him for that. You should look at this from a different perspective. Your SO is also stressed and under pressure. You have to find a way to talk to each other and commit to connect with each other, communicating with each other, and listening to each other.

  6. Do not treat this as a date!!

    but if you don’t want or can’t join it’s okay, I will just invite another friend of mine

    With this line, you have set this squarely in the realm of “work friends hanging out”, as opposed to “date”. It would be really uncool to treat it as a date after saying that. If she actually doesn't want to date you, for whatever reason!, and you spring on her “surprise! it's actually a date!”, she is going to feel lured out under false pretenses.

    You could certainly tell her a day or two afterward that you had fun hanging out, and you'd like to ask her on an actual date, and see what she says to that!

  7. I have done this a lot on the past when I was desperate. I just think I've found something good so it will happen on its own time.

  8. Dude, anyone who cheats isn't a nice, funny, nude worker and will stick to the end person. You ex is crappy and right now you won't see it because I get it, you love her, but little bit little you will get over it and I promise you, the way you felt about her, you will feel it for someone else and even stronger.

    Don't do yourself a disservice of keep pinning after her, everyday take a step forward moving to being ready for a relationship or whatever will make you happy. No pressure.

    I am very sorry someone crappy pretended to be a great girlfriend. There are woman who are and you will be lucky to met them if you let them be lucky to meet you.

  9. If you are waking on eggshells around your wife, why are you with her? Think about it carefully. This relationship sounds mildly toxic. You need to find a relationship therapist and work things out or staying the next 30 or 40 years is going to be really unpleasant.

  10. don’t even think about it – you will make yourself look foolish, not very “cool”. You can’t win against the pop star in this situation especially since he gives her private music lessons. Living well is the best revenge. That means you make your best life and on-line well and don’t even worry/think about her anymore. She loves music and is sort of naive? This guy has her wrapped around his finger and there is nothing you can do except move on

  11. An hour after we arrived at the party, I see Sarah talking to this other guy in a very flirty manner. But I think to myself that I must be overthinking this and they're probably just friends. Later Sarah comes back and while we're laughing and talking together, a girl approaches us and asks Sarah, whether I was her boyfriend. She scoffed and said “No, we're just Friends”. I, at this point, said, “What? I thought I was your boyfriend”. Then she says, “No you're not. We're just Friends”. I said, “what about all the dates, the holidays, the valentines day”. She said “we were just hanging out”.

    At this point I was a little pissed so I asked the girl who asked us the question if she would like to dance. Then I have a great time with this girl and I end up going home with her.

  12. Your family is judgemental and violated your boundaries. Being told a room or area is locked is not a challenge to get into that area to judge it. Your parents where completely in the wrong here and should have minded their own business.

    It's never a bad idea to cut off toxic people.

  13. yeah but how in the world can you be happy knowing that your wife is cheating and deceiving you? I hope you can do what you know you need to do

  14. If you keep up with the sour attitude you have now, you’ll continue to put distance between you and your wife. Marriage isn’t about anyone being right, it’s about getting along. Sometimes that means minding your manners. Good luck!

  15. Is the child yours? Did you ever have a paternity test? She’s been with 2 guys you know about.

  16. You dragging up some situation from all the way back in 2017 is absolutely ridiculous.

    You still holding a grudge because your husband asked you to go low contact with your abusive father is absolutely ridiculous.

    If you want your own money – which you should have – get a job. Your husband tried to set you up with the business and it sounds like you put as little effort in as humanly possible. Your excuse is you now have a kid and the house. Do you know how many millions of people have kids and homes and responsibilities but who work also?

    You sound petty and immature. You and your husband are not on the same page about anything. Start by evaluating your marriage. Then worry about who is paying for your mother's trip.

  17. I’ve been following your posts here and on Twitter for some time and I really don’t have much to add that others or your therapist haven’t already stated.

    However, I did just want to write how sorry I am for the death of your dear friend and ex girlfriend.

    It is obvious from your writings how important she was to you and it is clear that your are suffering tremendously.

    In Jewish tradition when someone dies we express our hope that person’s memory be for a blessing. May her memory be so for you.

    I also hope that with the support of your amazing husband that in time you are able to heal though of course this hole in your heart can never be fully repaired.

  18. I also think I would perceive it differently if the secret had gotten around to the whole family. Sis was trusted to keep the secret, and she did.

  19. Good question about the party, the only reason she gave me was that some people don't like me.

    In regards to effort it's something me and her have argued about alot, to the point we took a break not so long ago

    I feel like i put in ALOT of effort to come see her but I do admit she sometimes helps me pay for the tickets as i don't often have the money and she is in an apprenticeship. I really want to see her and not cause more arguments so i am probably still going to go and just keep my mouth shut about how it made me feel as she would blame me for ruining the day if I told her, that her spending all that time at the party made me feel lonely

  20. No! Don’t ask he for the money back! What the hell?!? You’re wishy washy behaviour is going to fuck both of you over financially. Why can’t she ask her ex? My advice is to try honesty this time and see how quickly she can pay you without screwing things up for everyone.

    Never lend money! Unemployed people aren’t in a position to lend money! Give what you can spare but never lend as you’re not a bank and aren’t insured for that!

  21. Normally when a girl goes after the guy she told you not to worry about going back to her is a terrible idea. This seems no different. Let her go.

  22. Bro you pressured your boyfriend into having sex with your friend and then you're mad he did

  23. He’s being honest with you about what he wants to do but he’s being extremely selfish. He doesn’t need to agree for you to end the relationship. Don’t put up with this. It’s total BS.

  24. i wanted him to be with me cause he thought i was special, it isn’t about being the most beautiful or smart. it’s about him wanting to be with me bc of small things that he can only find in me. if he can find what i give in anyone else, i prefer him being with someone else

  25. after the babies were born was even worse. he cheated, involved my kids and also set me up to fight with the girl (this girl also tried to fight me while i was 5 months pregnant and he did nothing). i took him back anyways (i know i’m stupid) and everything had been fine


  26. He is capable of telling her no and he doesn't let her disrespect me. I am just so bothered by her living next door

  27. She’s not ready there’s something holding her back. I was like that when I lost mine. I think it was insecurity and the lingering feeling that it was wrong. Maybe she’ll never change but I did.

  28. I have been dating her for almost 3 1/2 years now, but it feels like for the past almost 2 years, our relationship isn't really progressing. She has yet to move in despite us talking about it for a couple years now, I don't really see her but for maybe a couple days / nights a week, and our sex life is at an all time low, in part due to our wonderful governor Greg Abott and the Texas Legislature's forward-thinking policies on sex health /s, but for other reasons as well.

    I had been living with my mother for the first year and a half of our relationship while I saved for a house to avoid having to pay a rediculous amount of money on rent each month on my own. It's what allowed me to afford my own place at 26, and she was excited that I finally had my own place and talked about moving in, but only after “a few months” of living on my own so I could “discover who I was”.

    Well that was two years ago. Shortly before I moved out, her lease was up. She had been living with a college roomate she had known for years. Because he was agoraphobic and anti-social, she never introduced me to him in our first year and a half of dating because she didn't want to cause him stress (still haven't met the guy, who is one of her best friends). In fact, she only ever let me into her apartment twice, once just to pass through from the garage to the front door after a date, and the only other time was because he was out of the apartment so we spent all of a day together at her place. So most of our time together eaely on was either out, or at our parents' places (she would go to her mothers sometimes over the weekend).

    I thought that whole situation was very awkward, that my GF was living with a guy she wouldn't let me meet. And I did tell her that and she was understanding, explained he was gay, I didn't have to worry. And I genuinely think that's true. (I did a bit of snooping to find his social media and he does just seem to be a very anti social, quite person, but I really have nothing to go on but faith there).

    Anyway, getting side tracked. Her lease was up right around the same time I was getting the house, figured it was a perfect time for her to move in and we could try living together. Well, she instead moves in with her mother, partly to take care of her, partly to save money. And as previously mentioned, “to give me time to find myself”.

    Alright well fair enough. I haven't lived on my own before and could use a little me time.

    A few months come and go. She still isn't quite ready to fully move in. She had at this point moved in half her clothes, setup a desk to work remotely, and was spending maybe half her time here, them going back to her mother's. At that time she was saying she felt bad because she couldn't afford to help contribute to the bills yet, despite me offering to let her stay here without having to cover any bills.

    All this while, we still really enjoy each other's company, going on dates when she is over having a great time. I figured now that I am not at my mothers place, we would probably be physically intimate more often. But coincidentally, after I moved out and got my own place, Texas reversed it's support of abortion protections so she is understandably worried about having an oopsie, and coupled with the fact that she stopped taking birth control while she was on certain medications, and doesn't like the feel of condoms, and I don't want to have to have a procedure done, we aren't really having sex but maybe once a month.

    And that's not really a big deal for either of us, and we still have other ways of being intimate, but it has just felt like a step backwards.

    Fast forward to today, it's been two years since I moved out. She actually got a job working at the same company as me six months ago, we were talking about being excited to carpool together and she was saying this would finally push her to move in full time, and she could afford to contribute to the bills… but it hasn't happened. I still only see her maybe a couple times a week.

    We've had a couple talks about it. Her reasonings are that she feels guilty for not being with her mother, ever since her dad passed away 4 years ago. She feels obligated to take care of her. She also up and leaves the house and drives there, an hour out of her way, if we are having even the most minor of arguements. I think she has an unhealthy level of anxiety and is used to being able to just run off to her room to be alone. It leaves me feeling hurt though that she doesn't feel she is comfortable staying here to work out our differences.

    And she has ramped up the amount of time she is at the gym(s). She does gymnastics at some fairly high end venues, and spends so much on the equipment, various gym fees, etc, and on a relatively expensive car payment, that she can't even break even at the end of the month yet she makes six figures and isn't carrying a mortgage and a ton of bills, so I am learning she is bad with money.

    But she had up until recently been paying what I joking called child support to her ex roomate for her cat that she left there. Which I almost would take offense to since she hasn't offered help around my place, if it weren't again for the fact that she is only here a couple days a week. It does leave me feeling almost like I have been taken a bit advantage of.

    She says one day she would like us to marry, but we both agree that we need to live! together first and I am left wondering when that is going to happen. Especially since she has cited that she always preferred the “European” style of dating where marriage wasn't even a thought for ten years (not sure how accurate that is).

    I worry that really she may just be affraid of committment. It certainely can't be fear of losing her assets in a divorce since she has been almost obnoxiously up front about having me sign a prenup when the day comes, and with how bad she seems to be with money it's not looking like she is gaining much financial wealth any time soon. But I would sign it in a heartbeat regardless if the time were right because I care for her deeply but worry that this could drag on for a while.

    And we have talked about all of this, and she is understanding of how I feel and has said that things will change. I just don't know when.

  29. Do I want to be right? Well, yes because nobody wants to be in the wrong. Have I done anything to explicitly be in the wrong? No. Why does that mean I don’t wanna work on this? It’s not about trying to win it over her, it’s about my partner thinking they can make a comment with the intent to be demeaning, not say another word the rest of the night before sleep, and wake up the next day with nothing to say about it… That’s weird. Why am I going to concede ground to behavior like that? We can be adults and stop the issue when it comes up.

  30. Yeah, I mentioned in another response to you that he is soooo contradictory. “It's harmless/ I knew it was so wrong that you might break up with me over it”. Well which is it dude, because it can't be both. “Oh no, I've gotten myself in too deep! / Can't wait to see you Angel, you sure do make me smile.” Again, saying one thing but doing the opposite. “It wasn't flirtatious, I was just giving her coachly encouragement/ I'm already making arrangements to stop training her.”

    All the contradictions are happening because he isn't telling you the truth, period. There's no contradictions in the truth. Also, this is happening after just over a week. It took – what? – 10 days for him to take it this far with a complete stranger? Not good.

  31. OP said they are wonderful people, she’s not talking positively about them because she’s worried about judged they are genuinely good people!

    Anyone who didn’t see how their parents lived as normal would give people a pre warning, especially if they were expected to spend any amount of time there. We aren’t talking about dirty plates in the sink and crumbs on the counter!

  32. It costs very little for you to consult a family law attorney. You will learn what your options are and what being single again would mean financially, what shared custody looks like, etc.

    You are still young and who he is, will likely never change. Even if it means you get a small apartment, your kids will adjust. How your husband is modeling “what a husband or a father should be to his spouse” is not healthy for either a daughter or a son.

    I’m not one to jump to divorce him but your situation resonates with me because I was you 25 years ago with 3 children.

  33. If meeting his friends gives you anxiety at this point in your life and knowing humans only continue to age, I would definitely take some time to think this through, because if you really like this guy and think he is right for you then you know he will side with and protect you if people do wrong by you. Assuming that you are a reasonable person of course. If of course you think this through and realize he isn’t for you there is no shame in being single.

  34. They can create their own agreement, though, on financial matters like this. If a judge decides, she might pay spousal support. If she tells her husband she wants him to waive spousal support and agree that the IV costs come out of his share of the divorce, and in exchange she will legally give up any claim to the embryos, that might be a trade he's willing to agree to before a judge ever has to make a decision.

  35. That wasn’t long distance – that was just chatting. He’ll have been chatting to loads of others and will be nice as pie to all of them until he gets sex.

  36. She felt dismissed and then upset by the dismissal, you’re not wrong for needing alone time but maybe your delivery was rude, or maybe she was struggling with something and just wanted support only to be shut down.

    We can’t know why it upset her so much.

  37. Encourage him to give his creations away as gifts. Part of the joy of cooking is sharing it with others.

  38. I think part of the problem is that you want to say “Yes, what I did was wrong, but it could’ve been worse!” For your gf, though, how much worse can it get? You left her specifically to give another woman a spin. You decided girl #2 wasn’t the certainty you had hoped, so you go back to your gf saying you loved her & made a mistake, but you were keeping girl #2 on the line “just in case.” How devastating for your gf. You never gave the other woman up.

    Again, in that exact same situation, would you still have trouble trusting your girlfriend? Would you really be that comforted just because she hadn’t had sex with the guy since you got back together? How long would you wonder if your gf really loved you or if she secretly wished she were with the other guy?

    I think you’ve spent so much time defending yourself, you’ve forgotten to be truly compassionate.

  39. But also, she should have made this boundary clear to you. She's mad about something that you had no idea was problematic.

  40. He doesn’t walk on egg shells and whilst you may assume that, our relationship is very fruitful. Idc who’s celebs picture he likes as long as they are dressed modestly.

    I’m a very attractive woman who gets alot of attention outside of my relationship, I am self validated but hey bc I don’t like certain things … that makes me insecure? Things are not as black and white as they may seem to you.

    He’s never going to get tired of me, I love him a lot and so does he.

  41. With Tate being in jail for a few months his followers had to think for themselves for a bit and look where it got them.

  42. Short of marriage counseling? No, YOU NEED MARRIAGE COUNSELING IF YOU WANT THIS TO WORK. You are heading down a toxic road.

    Get marriage counseling with a non biased professional or divorce. And then if you divorce, getting counseling on your own.

  43. As someone who tends to be like your BF, I have to ask, what is it that you want to hear? I have this issue with someonen in my life. I try “I'm sorry” and “it'll be OK” and that's never enough, but I don't understand what more I'm supposed to say. If I offer suggestions I'm not being empathetic enough. I also don't want to encourage the constant complaining. Its so frustrating, so I'd be interested to hear what it is that you need to feel supported without being enabled in the negativity

  44. well. The only thing we can’t seem to agree on are my tattoos

    That's pretty big seeing as they part of you

    He says if I get anymore he can’t guarantee he’ll stay with me

    Boundaries on his part.

    My boyfriend is this amazing loving, supportive guy.

    Considering the above – is he? Is he really?!?!

  45. It’s genuinely not something I ever thought about since we’ve been monogamous for almost 2 years. We got tested before we first ever had sex and showed each other the results. I’ve always gotten an STD every 12 weeks when I get my depo injection too just to be sure I’m clean, which I am. We should be using them now though, you’re right. It’s something I’m gonna tell him we need to do from now on until we become exclusive again

  46. You've been dating for two years now. What are your plans? At some point it is going to happen, if you are serious about her.

    I'm not the right person for you to ask me how the financial things will change for you when she moves in, she is. Why not have a conversation with her about it?

  47. Nah I don’t think it does matter. I would just sit down with her and express how you’re feeling, your feelings are valid brother. And it’s not gonna help the situation if you sit in your feelings. If after you’ve voiced your feelings and nothing changes I really would start to consider walking away. Again this is only my opinion and how I would handle it.

  48. We have talked about this before, that I should have added. We’ve even both admitted to each other before that maybe we dated too early and we should’ve waited til later. We’re pretty open with each other for the most part. Nonetheless, I don’t divulge too much of my inner demons because they’re my demons to face. I have to choose either left or right. I kind of find it a lil frustrating that people in this thread are mainly focusing on the “hoe phase” part and not the self loathing of where I am in life with my career and where I’m headed with personal goals. I get the “hoe phase” part I admitted to is a huge red flag. But it wasn’t the only thing that had me conflicted.


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