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12 thoughts on “Rredrose on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I see what you mean. The more I think about, more I feel good cycles ends as much as bad cycles, and maybe we don't need a reason to it, as you said 'thats life'.

    I just get really bothered because I had some toxic relationships in the past, and to me it was really easy to end such type of situation, letting go a good relationship hurts in a different way.

  2. I have, but it always comes back to ā€œthe liberalsā€. Anytime I ask, she gets riled up and raises her voice (imitating one of her favorite talk show hosts), and honestly thatā€™s when it becomes in one ear out the other.

    For example, in Operation Iraqi Freedom/Enduring Freedom, service members were being discharged for refusing to go to war. I agree with that, so did. she (Iā€™m a US vet and was enlisted at that time). Service members who refused the vaccine have been fighting a lawsuit to not get discharged (I think they should be discharged but I digress).

    She actually said, and I quote ā€œThe liberals want them to be discharged so they can have a Marxist takeoverā€. Iā€™m not sure where I can go with that.

  3. Wishing you the very best of luck. I really feel for you in this situation. Iā€™d freak out, if I realised I was in love with my best friend.

  4. Your 27 year old girlfriend is old enough to not go into a bedroom with a man that pressures her. She said herself she flirted with him. It seems like she feels that she had no agency what happened afterwards and that is something she needs to figure out by herself but regarding your attitude towards this situation she already admitted to several things most people think are unforgiveable.

  5. You know this whole situation could've been avoided if you just said “ah, I don't feel very well but I'm fine”, rather than saying oh I'm on my period then asking your sister's girlfriend about her periods? Like trans or not, that's a weird thing to ask someone.

    Let's break this down- you're at a family dinner, her girlfriend is someone you barely know and you're like “oh my period is really painful and really heavy šŸ™ ” then asking about hers. That would be uncomfortable for a lot of cis women too. Especially since going into this, your sister probably warned her gf about how your parents are. I wouldnt be shocked if your sister trying to cut you off had more to do with you giving too much detail rather than the gf being a transwoman.

    After that the girlfriend proceeds to open up and share something very personal with you. She absolutely did not have to do this- hell if she just lied and played it off like “ah- im just very lucky to not have bad periods” or something, I wouldn't blame her. But she chose to share something personal with you, and in response you chose to act like an ass and go argue your sister. For what reason did you need to argue? Your feelings are hurt? It's not your fucking business. It's also really stupid for you to go at your sister sideways because she didn't tell you either. Bc your sister is right, it isnt her business to tell. You argued so loud that your parents heard and lashed out at your sister, completely ruining their already damaged relationship.

    Honestly like, you need to leave your sister (and her gf, and the roommate) alone. Don't be surprised if your relationship never recovers. You made your parents lash out at her and kick her out. And ya ok your parents are assholes, but this would never have happened if you didn't open your damn mouth.

  6. U/ThrowRAneedhelpls read this and internalize it. Your partner is scum like the rest of her family. Divorce her now

  7. I would not recommend buying a house with a boyfriend

    even worse, one that want you to pay 50 percent of his equity. Its not a good financial choice for you

  8. Say no and cut contact. Donā€™t torture yourself with what you know the reality is. Good luck.

  9. This is awful advice. He shouldnā€™t have to accept this form of toxic and controlling behaviour from his gf. His gf should instead trust in him and work on addressing her insecurities. Whatā€™s she is displaying isnā€™t conducive to maintaining a healthy relationship and sheā€™s acting quite irrationally, blocking this person on IG will not get rid of this problem


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