Saam-miller on-line webcams for YOU!

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Hi guys I’m back! TODAY I FEEL HORNY//GOAL: BLOWJOB WITH MUCH SALIVA//MY PVT IS OPEN [28 tokens remaining]

12 thoughts on “Saam-miller on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Maybe let her call it off….even though you’re not engaged yet. Y’all are $200,000 in debt. Absolutely not.

  2. Everyone has different boundaries. My SO doesn’t really drink, but I do. He knows that drunk or sober, when I say no, I mean no, and when I say yes, I mean yes. But we’ve also been together for 16 years so it’s been long since established.

    You need to have a conversation about this.

  3. I hope it isn’t inappropriate to ask here, but how do you format replies like this, where the original text is indented and your reply goes underneath?

  4. Why would you respect let alone want to be with someone who would do that to his wife? cheating is gross and this behavior shows he’s not a good partner.

    You haven’t even met him in person. In all this time since he has never flown to you or you to him? It feels like he’s married, lonely and stringing you along. If he was going to leave him wife for you he would’ve already.

    Even if he actually had cancer and everything he’s telling you is try it doesn’t make what he is doing and how he is treating you and his wife OK.

  5. There are certain things that you just don't joke about…rape is one if them and high on the list. I'd be freaked out too if my partner said something like that, and his reaction to you being upset is very poor at best.

  6. I'll give you actual advice before I'm harsh

    Writing some porn fiction with rape & misogyny in and of itself isn't an automatic red flag. It's definitely a signal to look closer at things. The real red flag is if you ever witnessed IRL actions from him that reflect problematic behaviors. And this isn't something you should have to think about, you should know this off the top of your head. You've been with the guy for 2 years. If he's had a history of acting in problematic ways around you, then absolutely it's time to go. If he hasn't had that history of problematic behavior, you're probably overreacting.

    Now you're being way too judgmental. You need to chill. Your reaction is as ridiculous as finding out your boyfriend players Call of Duty, then assuming he's gonna shoot you because he plays violent video games. He wrote porn FICTION. It's not real. You don't have to like it, you should totally leave if you can't ever be with a guy who occasionally reads that kind of thing. But get off your high horse. He has probably dabbled in viewing/reading rougher porn, and you shouldn't be making him feel like shit for it. Which is what you're doing. Just respectfully ditch the guy if it that content bothers you, stop treating him like a rapist waiting to pounce on you.

    If you want your boyfriend to honestly engage with you about what you found, you have to wildly change how you're approaching this. If you want your boyfriend of 2 years to feel pressured & lie to you because he's scared you're thinking less of him, you're doing everything perfectly then.

  7. Apparently I wasn’t clear enough. We want to have a child naturally but she wants another to adopt afterwards.

  8. Dude it doesn't sound like you are very compatible at all. I am 42 and married, my wife doesn't take part in a lot of my hobbies and I don't take part in hers but we have mutual respect for each other.

    If I am honest, you GF wants to break up with you and is trying to give it a reason, but the reason is your just not the one. You're both kids. Break up and find someone more compatible for you.

  9. I'd go further than that. I'd take the check, see the therapist a few times, and then say “the therapist told me to dump you.”

  10. This is a tightrope to walk. I don't think you're going to get the advice you want or any sound advice that'll help you solve this issue.

    The best I can tell you is that you need to communicate it, but it's going to be an uncomfortable conversation for sure. You guys both live at home and so it'll be more difficult for sure, but at the end of the day, you cannot expect her to feel like wanting to have sex in general and also wanting to have sex when it's the “perfect time”. She doesn't have an obligation to get there just because you do.

  11. You don’t. Not something you can control. You can avoid her on social media but you can’t make her do anything with the account.

  12. As someone who married a Catholic and had his family tell me that we “wouldn’t be married in the eyes of God” if we didn’t get married in the Catholic Church and that I was going to hell for not being Catholic, you’re in for a world of hurt. DO NOT get married in the church or every part of your life will be controlled by his family and their beliefs. Be prepared for your kids to be christened as Catholics and raised in the church.


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