Sakura-rosse live! sex chats for YOU!

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9 thoughts on “Sakura-rosse live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Run far and fast away from him. He'll turn violent whemn you break up. Everything about your relationship are warning signs.

  2. Eh no. Choose that baby. He waited until it’s naked to get an abortion, he’s the one that’s fucked up here and you shouldn’t pay for his mistakes. And abortion can be as traumatic as a miscarriage. I’m pro choice but in this case, knowing you’ve struggled, I really hope you choose that baby (though, no judgements if you do what’s best for YOU) I promise you, that baby will make you happier than that waste of a person ever could considering he’s happy to give you ultimatums and make you the bad guy to cover up his mishaps. He’s using you as his shield, he’s not thinking about your feelings nothing.

    Can I also ask, is there anyone that may have put this in his head?

  3. You understand they may just like each other. No, I do not mean love/being attracted to, but just like. You know, how it is between friends? I assume idea of having friends (that really are only friends) of opposite gender is beyond your comprehension.

  4. Edit: Should I break up with her even if she has really good redeeming qualities? It only happens every few months.

  5. Do you agree that it would be an unsettling comment to make to anyone? You said you would take them aside and talk to them, what kind of things would you say to him?

    I agree that the context of a 6 year relationship was not added into my hypothetical scenario, but it almost makes it worse IMO that it is.

    Saying something like that to a random stranger you just met doesn't hold as much weight as saying it to your partner does. Especially when we have had this conversation so many times, I keep expressing how gross that comment is, and he continues to use it. That's not only gross now, it's disrespectful. I'm not dragging him live! as a rape apologist, I gave the situation from my perspective and I'm asking how others would have handled it because I'm not understanding what I should have done.

    He knew I was into urban exploring and if he was really that upset by it he should have broken up with me 6 years ago. I haven't even gone exploring in 2 years, the topic came up because I was talking about how I missed it. And then he puts himself in a hypothetical situation where it's totally norm for him as a homeless man in an aban building to SA and kill me. (“Of course!”)

    His intentions might have been good. He has valid concerns. I never made him feel bad for expressing his concern, but I have always gotten upset when he takes the conversation down this road of weird hypothetical scenarios that skeeve me out. That alone should be enough for me to be upset, let alone the fact that it's about me being raped and killed.

  6. He probably just blocked you. You can call the police for a wellness check, but this isn't love. stop letting people treat you like this.

  7. so toxic! just dump him already. Germany has many more single man who will appreciates you & put you on a pedestal.

  8. You don’t find out, if your relationship is healthy and mature when all is going well – you find out when issues arise. Issues are arising and you don’t even feel you can talk to him about it. That isn’t a good sign.

  9. every girlfriend I've had has specifically asked for them, it's extremely common with my age group.


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