Sara(brunette) & Jess(blonde) the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Sara(brunette) & Jess(blonde)

Sara(brunette) & Jess(blonde) on-line sex chat

21 thoughts on “Sara(brunette) & Jess(blonde) the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You can be honest without being rude. Saying I am using someone for their money? If that’s what you truly believe then there is a kinder way to put that, which would actually have me listen to you.

    Anyway, yes we have pets. He got a cat when we were dating, and a few months after I moved in we got a second cat together. He is good to them, but doesn’t set enough boundaries e.g., allowed them on tables and kitchen counters. Which I obviously don’t like. And is a bit lazy with them, wants them to be allowed outside so he doesn’t have to deal with litter. Again, I don’t like this. As parents, he would be the more nurturing parent and I would be the one stronger on guidelines. Anyway, it’s all a moot point now since I’m at my mums now and I don’t think he’s going to make enough changes for me to go back.

  2. Trust me I've ripped into it her about it. It'll set her straight for a while but she quickly regresses.

  3. His behavior is definitely concerning. You made a clear boundary with your private social media account, and he WENT LOOKING for a way to violate that boundary. Even if he was ignorant of his own behaviour, he's still showing toxic behaviour. Sure, you could have been more vocal with your boundaries, but there was no guarantee that would even help anything. I believe you did the right thing. Move on with your life and find someone who respects your discretions. If you feel lonely, surround yourself with friends you feel comfortable around, or keep your mind and body busy with an activity or hobby. You're young, you'll find other, more enjoyable relationships.

  4. My mother and her don't look alike as much, but yes, I guess he has a type. Even though your advice seems good enough, I don't feel comfortable telling my dad I'm somewhat intimate with a guy 'like him'… I appreciate it though 🙂

  5. He’s actively falling in love with her every time they interact. He’s the maker of this situation. And he’s touching her briefly at these sessions.

    He drops her as a client and potential friend IMMEDIATELY or it’s over

  6. Oh. Super easy, tell her you're going to call the cops if she does this again and start keeping notes because you could get a restraining order on her and your ex if she keeps it up

  7. Mmm so you're entirely financially dependant on him? And you don't even get an allowance or anything for the literal thousands of dollars worth of work you do a week for him? And while you're heavily pregnant with his child he is being verbally abusive to you? Hoooney, please protect yourself somehow. Get a job after baby or talk to him about the financial situation as it is a very dangerous situation you have got yourself into.

  8. Omg lol there’s a 5 year age gap read the post. He’s 23, she’s 28. He was 8, she was 13. Why is this any different than two friends who grew up together & thought of each other as family for a time but developed feelings as adults??

  9. When I was 16 I romanticized Erik. Once I hit 20 I realized that no, that dude totally deserves to live in a basement.

  10. If he loved you?

    He wouldn't cheat on you He wouldn't be fucking someone else while telling you he loves you He wouldn't be doing all of this through text messages

    I really don't know what to do with this situation, I am really hurt, when he told me he cheated on me I accepted it because I wasn't a good gf and I felt like I deserved it, I still feel like I deserve it but I feel like I did not deserve the hope that everything was going to be okay.

    No one deserves to be cheated on. Why do you think you deserve this? I assume you're faithful? not fucking every dude that walks by? or even a single one?

    He's cheating on you. He's lying to her. He's shitting all over the both of you.

    You should call her. Talk to her. Find out what he's telling her and tell her what he's telling you. Then tell him to fuck off, block him and move on with your life.

    It takes me years to get over a relationship… it's not easy. You won't start to heal until you put this lying cheater in your past. He doesn't love you. He's not your friend. He doesn't love her. he's not her friend. She's just a warm hole because he can't control himself.

    You're better than this. You deserve better. Don't think one iota less of yourself than that.

  11. Some times people do not utilize vocabulary that accurately describes their feelings AND doesn’t trigger others. He clearly likes the way you look. Having had an eating disorder which usually couples with body dysmorphia, you’re probably extra sensitive to this topic. He may have a skewed view of bodies, yours maybe skewed as well, this is an opportunity to address a trigger and do a little more healing on your part. Focus on yourself instead of making this situation his responsibility.

  12. Yeah, none of her behavior is overtly flirtatious.

    Apparently behaving like a friendly human automatically makes men think you are flirting with them. I'm friendly, and one time a couple who worked at my store apparently thought I was flirting with the guy. I wasn't, and I have a bf. But worst of all, I met them when they were 16 and I was 21. So, weird.

    They completely iced me out randomly one day. It was super awkward because they just stopped talking to me and acknowledging my presence. It made it extremely hard to work while on a shift because I genuinely had no idea what was happening. Until I found out from other coworkers that the girl told her bf to not talk to me or any other girl on shift. I quit soon after because I couldn't handle the isolation from them when it was just us three working together.

    I tell this story because when you assume people's intentions and start being cold to them out of nowhere, you cause problems. And if she starts to make moves, then you contact HR. But smiling and being nice is not flirting.

  13. In my opinion, they would likely both benefit from him living independently. There's a way to do it kindly. It's not abandoning him to do so. She also doesn't need to sacrifice herself just to help him.

  14. Safest thing to do is definitely get authority involved. He can't control himself and he also brings out your demons. He needs a big wake up call and serious consequences to take his actions seriously. I know you both have people that you know in common, but what's more important right now is your safety and your child's safety, not preserving a friend group.

    Take photos if you can if you have any marks on your body and call the police.

  15. He cheated twice, refuses to take accountability and actually help you heal and is now ghosting. The relationship is over, if he comes back why do you want him back? He’s emotionally immature, and checked out. How do you know him ghosting in his mind isn’t a “break” where he gets a free pass to cheat again, because he was too immature to use his grown up words and either end the relationship or express his need for space.

  16. Leave her.

    Normally I’d be saying you need to deal with your insecurities, and either get over yourself or leave for her benefit.

    But if she’s doing hard modelling for free, with creepy guys rather than respectable photographers or agencies, then she has no respect for herself.

    If you don’t want to leave, then try to convince her to do the modelling through an agency, or with respectable professional photographers, rather than creepy hobbyists.


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