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12 thoughts on “SaraLynn-1 live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Oh mate, all being well one day you'll look back to this and realise how much you grown. Jake has nothing to do with your relationship or the end of it, ask yourself if maybe you feel a bit insecure and that's why you are focused on the end. See if you can't relax , have fun and treat your partner as a person not a history

  2. Wow, so I like to consider there being two sides to the story and his may be completely different… but yours says a lot.

    So you haven't seen each other in 2 weeks, that's a flag too, and in response to a major celebratory event OF YOURS… he makes it all about himself and his talents… he doesn't shine, and decides to mope and throw a tantrum… after you have said you want it simple and to just have a good time.

    So is this a unique experience? Or a pattern?

    If this is one bad day, then everyone has them. Oh well.

    If this is common, then it really sounds like covert narcissism. It was clearly your day, and he derailed it and made it about him. He took your high, and either wanted to make it his high and associate it with him – that would have been questionable even if he made you your best meal ever – but instead turned it into a low to blunt it for you.

    So, yeah, I don't want to come out and tell you how to on-line but if this is typical behavior than it is not 'typical' behavior and it will likely not only continue but get worse.

    I'm going to point out, that based on your own words, he IGNORED YOUR WISHES. That's a pretty big flag.

    He made it about him, on your success. Another flag.

    You had to try to keep HIM positive? On your day? Yeah, another flag.

    It sounds like you couldn't, so he tanked the celebration for both of you… despite not seeing each other for a few weeks? I mean that's a United Nations Building of flags. If I'd started the analogy with strikes he would have already been out.

    It doesn't sound healthy to me, so probably really worth considering what you feel about it and what you think you're worth.

  3. I just can't imagine wanting to date a high-schooler when you're almost 30. How can you have anything in common.

  4. I honestly can't believe you've put up with it as long as you have. Leave and find a man who knows how to wipe his ass.

  5. That's just it. They do have an absolute say. He can choose to agree to what I request to marry me or choose to not and keep his name. Just like if u want to drive a car. You are required to get a license and insurance. Don't aquire those, you don't drive. But is all your choice!! Everyone has a choice here.

  6. I worded it more as “you can go to Budapest but I will not be your partner if you do”. I set my tolerances and I think (she’s going with this friend) her friends disgusted with her behaviour so she was instantly “yeah I agree I don’t want to go”

  7. What was the mistake then? What did he think was going to happen when he hurled abuse at his fiancée? Because for it to be a mistake he must have been misguided as to what the outcome would have been.

  8. He isn’t being controlling and this has nothing to do with insecurities.

    But you made me laugh at the ‘obey your demands and will resent you in silence for it,’ so thanks for that

  9. Maybe she's insecure about initiating or possibly she doesn't want it as often as you do which sounds like it's more likely the case.

    For some people sex is just lower priority in the relationship for others its really high. Its very very challenging to overcome incompatibilities in that area. This is a matter of if you're willing to accept the fact that she doesn't want to have sex as often as you do.

    You're already expressing that this is a huge issue for you as is. I hate to say this but this is almost never fixable


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