Sayurilee on-line webcams for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “Sayurilee on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Girl, take a breath! You sound completely unhinged. You set a boundary then when he doesn't respond, you apologize and take it back. When he doesn't contact you, you let him know you're pissed off, then apologize and take it back.

    Fact is: He's not your boyfriend, you barely know him.

    Just let this go and find someone who wants to get to know you.

  2. Let him.

    Life is a struggle. The moment we are born, we suffer. I've personally zero remorse for any coward that wants to end it.

    But lets be honest: he's probably lying and using anything to get at you, tell him to do it and you'll see what I mean (I've done this to my mother and a few exs, this is how I know,)

  3. But she didn’t do anything wrong here. You just made a random, unfounded accusation. While she was sick. And now you’re acting confused about why she didn’t like that.

  4. Well they, you know, died. Both of them in his depression year. I know he has a older sister but that aside from like a grandma of his is the only family he has left. I feel for him.. I will talk to the friends soon and see if that will help.

  5. I think most people have no idea what a 15 year old looks like. There’s no way someone close to 30 looks 15

  6. It’s actually pretty common for survivors to just dismiss and ignore when they’re harmed by loved ones. Especially if it’s a family member.

    You’ve got to just do what she says or stop going to family functions.

  7. This has to be a troll post right? This can't be real..

    Just incase it is.. this is fucking insane tht ur putting up with this shit.

    This dude is piece of crap OP with no morals.he doesnt respect u or your relationship sooo… why do u give a shit about destroying some friendship dynamic. He isn't a friend.

    Also you need to and im sorry for saying this so bluntly but grow a spine!!!

    Your fiance is just as bad and u shldnt even be marrying this chick.

    She's even worse at disrespecting you. She doesn't care about your opinions or feelings. She gives a shit about her affair partner tho. Just not his wife…

    They both sound horrible. Who the fuck jokingly hits on a married man?

    I know life is hard my dude bt there are other women! This one is a liar and a cheat. You downplaying your feelings is gonna be a trend your whole marriage if u marry this chick with all these issues. Constantly putting OTHER MEN! ahead of you. Disregarding your feelings. Openly flirting with someone who took wedding vows because apparently those don't mean fuckall.. Lying to u.

    What is there to love here besides being her doormat?

  8. I have ADD and it causes me to have a slow processing speed, so I can absolutely see OPs perspective. It's funny how things affect people in different ways, because I do understand what you're saying about the forgetting part too


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