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15 thoughts on “Sensual-desire online webcams for YOU!

  1. Yep, this right here is why my never-marry-again father was eventually convinced to remarry. He didn't see the point of getting married again and didn't really care about it even if he wanted love, but then turns out that the woman he loved cared because she watched her common law step mom have to jump through all sorts of hoops and pain when her dad was dying and he never technically divorced baby mama. So hospital did not recognize his ~18 year relationship as next-of-kin and things that should have been simple were suddenly hard– considering he was setting up to be the exact same situation, she did not want to have to go through that pain.

    Red tape at an already stressful time is horrible. And this doesn't just happen because of previous marriages, but also where the hospital tries calling parents, siblings, etc, anyone before you

  2. Thanks for your reply! I honestly have no expectations of him, but I get understand what you mean. What would you suggest I meet him in the middle of? Like cleaning maybe?

  3. I’m trying to feel out other people’s feelings on this. I’m not going to just trust every single thing my girlfriend says to me. That’s insane. For the sake of argument, let’s say she let that whole situation play out on purpose because she was truly letting him flirt with her. She was totally into it. I on the other hand get upset about it. She doesn’t want the relationship she has going to end. So she decides to say she felt nothing and had no idea it even happened. But I don’t know that. I have zero proof. I could take her word for it or I could question it because our relationship is so important to me that something like that can uproot the entire thing. Do you see me posting on Reddit everyday about our relationship? I’m highly interactive because I want to answer to everyone posting. I already received an explanation but I DONT KNOW if I believe her. I’m talking to strangers because there’s truth in numbers, maybe I can atleast gain some insight on my feelings right now. And I do want to know if she’s even thinking about cheating or if there’s something in our relationship that is worth talking through, that’s why I made this post.

  4. If this is the full story, I'm at a loss for why he is angry. Partner being on the phone the entire time was the only problem I vibed on… So confusion sounds exactly where you ought to be.

    All you can do is ask why he is upset, and if he doesn't answer… Shrug, you can't fix anything.

  5. I can't see you guys living together and this working out if he's not comfortable with dog hair. Like…..your dogs shed. It's unavoidable.

    Ideally this would have been something you brought up before moving in but at this rate, I can't imagine things going well.

  6. Yep, tell her brother about what his Best friend was doing – flirting with his sister and cuddling all while she was in a relationship. Breaking up is the best choice because if the brother didn't kick that friend out of his life then there are chances that he will be a constant appearance in her life and OP will remain paranoid as neither of them doesn't respect their Relationship.

  7. That’s exactly why he broke the fathers arm. Because he see’s slapping his daughter as something normal.

    That needed to be corrected with force.

  8. You should let him re-home the dog with someone else. This is on him, and he's not a good pet owner. And stop bailing him out for rent or anything else. If he can't make rent he can sell his PS 5

  9. What the hell? Why would you agree to continue supporting and serving a selfish moocher like this? Of course you're resentful. Just end the relationship. He doesn't care about you at all.

  10. It really does paint a picture of op as a man with lack of impulse control. Which heavily plays into the physical intimidation. And hating women, which is generally terrible for a relationship with a woman. I mean it's not the random woman from the street's fault that op was cheating on his wife no need to call her a “fat bitch” even to strangers.

  11. Oh my god what a pile of human garbage. I can't imagine any redeeming factors that you could list that would make him acceptable. You deserve respect, WITHOUT HAVING TO EXPLAIN WHAT THAT IS OR WHY YOU DESERVE IT. I could never tolerate a man like that… my only recourse would be to say: tell him there is now a no tolerance policy, he can deal with his feelings, and you'll be ignoring any and all passive aggressive child-level tantrums about quid pro quos, and will only be getting physical when you want to. Any problems with that boundary and he's done-zow. Good luck


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