SharonKendrick online webcams for YOU!

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8 thoughts on “SharonKendrick online webcams for YOU!

  1. Honestly sounds like you’re wasting your time on someone who could give a shit less about you. If you’re looking for long term and serious I would take this as a sign and accept that he is the way he is and won’t change for you or anyone. Better to find someone you’re more compatible who is aware of how to treat someone they care about.

  2. Ehhh, when I was back on the dating market at around 30 I actually lowered my upper dating range a bit because mid-30's women wanted to (understandably mind you) move on a much faster timescale than I wanted.

    No I didn't want to go for marriage/kids after only a year. Lowering my dating range allowed me to meet people whose timeline were similar to mine.

  3. When she reaches that point, your next sentence should be: “I’m sorry you feel unwell, and am sad you want to shut down communication on this subject. But my position hasn’t changed. We can talk more if you’re ready to discuss a compromise we can both live with.”

  4. Insecure? What have you done to make her feel she should be secure with you? Because TBH, most women wouldn’t feel secure in this situation. Yes, you were wrong to let another woman who lives in the same town as you sleep over. How are you 34 and not knowing basic relationship shit?


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